Kentanji Brown Jackson Considered For Supreme Court Justice
The MSM claims a flurry of of misleading allegations by Republican Senators - but are they really misleading?
In every single child porn case for which they found records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders. What's the misleading part here?
Judge Jackson's difficulty in defining the word 'woman' isn't hard to figure out. The judge is a smart woman herself. The hard part is that if she did properly define the word 'woman', she risked being excoriated by the left activists. So, she was intimidated into answering in a way that made her look stupid.
So, is that what we want on our highest court? Someone soft on crime and easily intimidated?
In every single child porn case for which they found records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders. What's the misleading part here?
Judge Jackson's difficulty in defining the word 'woman' isn't hard to figure out. The judge is a smart woman herself. The hard part is that if she did properly define the word 'woman', she risked being excoriated by the left activists. So, she was intimidated into answering in a way that made her look stupid.
So, is that what we want on our highest court? Someone soft on crime and easily intimidated?