One of my psyche teachers in college got so mad at me that she almost threw the DSM IV book at me. It was after a long and tedious lecture on some of the more famous pioneers of psychology (Maslow, Freud, Yung, etc) and the head trips they all went through. I asked, in class, "with all the nut jobs you just mentioned and all the things that were wrong with them, how could anyone base a career on their findings?" Either that bothered her more, or it bothered her that I got the highest test scores in her class. (It was full of liberals, so no surprise there.) If you are looking for the roots of one of the legacies of Nazism, (the Holocaust) you need look no further than "On the Origin Of Species" by Charles Darwin, and how it's interpretation by his cousin Frances Galton, led to the most monstrous philosophy known to man: "Eugenics." Wonderfully liberal presidents like Woodrow Wilson, and the leading social minds of the day: Oliver Wendell Holmes, George Bernard Shaw, etc supported it wholeheartedly.
A monster of a woman (whom Hillary KKKlinton admired) used Eugenics to create Planned Parenthood, which killed more humans than the Nazi regime could have thought of. The Holocaust was based on Eugenics.
So when I use the term "goose steppers" and refer to Democrats mostly as Nazis, there is actual historical precedence to confirm it.