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Migrants are the ones who bring the humanity to my country 💚

Already years ago Mrs Pastor of my church promised to visit my old mother who lived alone since years and who's very lonesome and ill. She promised it at least for three years. After 3 years she did it. No, no visit of course. Just a phone call to greet my mother. But this was at least something.

Since an half year my mother lives with me and I nurse her. But one problem stays: She's still lonely. Except me she sees NOBODY. No neighbour, no pastor, really NOBODY visits her or asks how she's doing. Although EVERYBODY knows that she's with me and that she's sick. Even my brother (her son) gives a shit for her. My mother can call herself lucky when he visits her 3 or 4 times a year for one hour. He even didn't visit her last year when she was for 3 months in hospital and I thought that she would die.

That Mrs Pastor doesn't come to visit her is even no surprise for me anymore. Although the church is directly in front of my house. But already in 2013, when my aunt died, NO Pastor visited her - although we have even 3 Pastors and although she went to church her whole life.

I was so desperated with my mother's loneliness that I asked a Christian organisation to come from time to time to her, to talk a few words to her. The organisation was agree. Just for a few kindly words like "How are you ?" or "What a nice weather" I have to pay 42 Dollar/hour. With all my best will - but this is too expensive for me.

A few weeks ago I met Sevda when I was working in my job. I don't know her much but she looks sympathetic, she has a job and I know that she is from Turkey. We talked a little bit about our parents and when she heard about my mother she offered to visit her and maybe even to go out with her. And yesterday she came and made even a little walk with my mother who had tears in her eyes. Tears of happiness.
And also Sevda seemed to enjoy the time with my mother.

Sevda is a migrant. She's from Turkey and I know that many people in my country want my country to be "free." Free from any migrants, foreigners and asylum seekers.

And I am sure that Sevda is no Christian but Muslim.
I remember that a former pastor of my church rejected to talk to people who are no Christians.
But I prefer to talk to a Muslim with heart than to a Christian without heart.

Sevda is certainly no Christian and she's a migrant. But she has what many people in my country don't have: She has humanity and empathy for others.

Looking at her I just can say: My country needs more people like her.
WandererTony · 56-60, M Best Comment
It is not about religions or countries. There is good everywhere and bad everywhere. I wish I was around to walk your mom. But thats just a wishful thought.

As a son i too haven't done enough for my mom. And your reference to your bro reminds me of that. ( i will call her as soon as i finish this reply)

I often wish we could do something about religious fanatics who stagnate in rules and rutuals and loose the basic need of religion. And also those who hate other religions. I myself am agnostic and keep my distance from religion.

Humanity is about doing good. I know you do it. So karma - if it exists- might bring you more Sevdas. Hugs and love to your mom. 💕
WandererTony · 56-60, M
Thanks for the BC. 🤗
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@WandererTony You are welcome.
I liked your answer because you are so right: There is good everywhere and bad everywhere. But sadly many people don´t see that.

And when my post helps ti remember just one person to recognize to do more for their mom so this my post was´t completely useless...

I hope you will continue talking and visiting your mom. She won´t live forever.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Loretta78 nobody will live forever. And we have to be good to all. 🙂

But yes, we had a good long chat, thanks to your post, today. 🤗 She told me some anecdotes about my childhood which i need to pass on to my daughter too. 😅

I'm so sorry that your church community has not been there for you.
Good on you for taking care of your mother and good on Sevda for being there for you as well.

These days we're too quick to ignore our elders. I'm most upset with your church for charging money to tend to an elderly, ailing member of their congregation.
Lemony1199 · F
I'm really glad to read such a positive post and Thanks for sharing .
I agree with you and did see a huge shock to those people who I have been doing kind and treat them like sympathetic as humans, Nowadays it's rare to see such a beautiful thing and beautiful people as sevda !!

Please give Sevda a hug and thanks her I'm really proud to hear about such a beautiful soul between us 🤍.
Wer zur Hölle hat deinem Beitrag ein Downvote gegeben?

Ich hoffe, Sevda wird häufiger kommen und deiner Mutter ein Lächeln auf ihr Gesicht zaubern :)

Und zum Verhalten der sogenannten Christen schweig ich lieber... 🤬 sie hatten genug Chancen zu zeigen, dass sie die Nächstenliebe tatsächlich in ihren Herzen tragen und nicht nur darüber reden.

Gute und schlechte Menschen gibt es in jeder Religion und auch unter denen, die keiner Religion angehören. Für mich zählt der Mensch und on das was er tut zu seinen Worten passt oder nicht... seine Religionszugehörigkeit ist mir dabei vollkommen egal.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@RobinPhoenix Keine Ahnung. Ich kann den Namen auch nicht sehen. Aber möglicherweise war das der eine User in dem Thread, der so einen abscheulichen Kommentar abgegeben hat und den ich dann geblockt habe. Hast du seinen Kommentar gelesen? 🙄

Ich weiß es nicht. Ich bin mir da noch total unsicher - aber ich hoffe es auch. 💚
Doch selbst wenn Sevda nicht mehr kommen sollte, hat sie mit diesem einen Besuch schon wesentlich mehr getan als der Typ und die "Kirche" zusammen in vier Jahren.

Da stimme ich mit dir vollkommen überein. Aber was mir nicht egal ist, wenn Menschen - egal welcher Volkszugehörigkeit - ihre Religion - egal, welche Religion - HEUCHELN. Wenn sie z. B. von Nächstenliebe faseln und die ganze Zeit versprechen, sich um ihren Nächsten zu kümmern und es dann doch nicht tun. Oder wenn sie im Namen ihres Gottes töten, oder was weiß ich. Du weißt bestimmt, was ich meine.

Aber was ich mir auch überlegt habe (und mein Sohn ist da ähnlicher Ansicht):
Möglicherweise handelt Sevda so, weil sie als Türkin aufgrund ihres Kulturkreises doch eine etwas andere Einstellung zu einer Mutter, einem alleinstehenden Menschen, wem auch immer haben könnte.
Denn eigenartig ist es schon, dass alle Deutschen bisher immer sofort abblocken, wenn es um meine Mutter (sprich, um eine alte Frau geht, die oft alleine und einsam ist) aber Sevda sofort auf mich bzw. meine Mutter zugegangen ist, obwohl ich sie noch nicht mal drum gebeten habe.

Was meinst du? 😉
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WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Loretta78 i wish there was an option to give more than one ❤ to your above reply.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@WandererTony Thanks. I've blocked the user.

I tolerate it that not everyone likes immigrants and Muslims but I can't respect insults and such a disgusting and disrespectful behaviour towards other humans like this user did.

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