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Multiculturalism does not work – and is harming this Planet – A list:

Unique Races will die out and unique Cultures and Traditions will die out, getting rid of true diversity
Immigrant races naturally congregate within the host country and will look out for their own races interests above all others.
The immigrants motivations are for selfish benefit – they are not emigrating for the greater good of the Nation or people in the host Nation – but to gain a better standard of living for themselves and often to send money back home to their families. (Why are they not staying and attempting to improve the life of their own people / race? Improving their own nation / homeland?)
You can’t build a feeling of National Community with multiculturalism
Each race has the right to a homeland – to feel safe with their own people… Your race is your extended family. White people are losing their homelands.
Immigrants with different values and genetic predispositions often commit a large proportion of crimes within the host country and do not assimilate and adapt. (We can look at the statistics in the European Countries regarding who commits the crimes… One example: the amount of rapes in Europe by immigrants is extremely disturbing.)
It causes unnecessary tensions within country. (The most happy, peaceful country is Finland (2018 survey) – which is an ethnically homogeneous White nation – only 2.7 percent immigrants – lowest percentage and highest happiness.)
Multiculturalism will bring about the highly oppressive communist Big Brother / New World Order Agenda (Jew World Order) – all people will be incredibly oppressed and tightly controlled
It erodes patriotism and Nationalism and it subverts countries who are protective of their race, country, culture, ancestry and traditions. The sort of countries who would stand against the (((New World Order Agenda))).
Multiculturalism is one of the International Jew’s main weapons in dominating the planet.
Multiculturalism benefits International Jewry and Zionism – it is incessantly promoted by jewish people, through the media they totally own and run, and through the governments they occupy and run – USA, France, UK, Germany, Australia etc etc
Multiculturalism is mainly being used to destroy the White Race – mainly through miscegenation. Multiculturalism combined with the programming and brainwashing via the media leads to race mixing / miscegenation – which in the long term leads to the extinction of the host race.
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emiliya · 22-25, F
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya just disagree with this point of view. It makes no sense to myself and i strongly disagree with this statement but he has every right to say what he wants......dont ask some platform to enact censorship
@gol979 It's racist, pure and simple. So yes, I will ask for it to be censored.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya you think just because you cant see it then these ideas dissappear? Thats very naive. He is allowed to say what he wants and you are allowed to call him a disgusting racist. That is freedom of speech. If you are for limited speech, fair enough but i strongly disagree with that sentiment also
@gol979 No. Of course I don't. But there are laws against racism. I also hate that the only people who advocate for "free speech" are the ones who want to spew disgusting reactionary bile against anyone who is in any way different from them. So yes, that sort of "free speech" should be censored.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya no it shouldnt. You are allowed to express your thoughts and ideas no matter how disgusting they are. And if you want to censor then you are for limited speech. Tbf you have already shown you are for censorship and limited speech
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gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya dont mean to pop your bubble but elon is also a limited speech advocate. He censors any view that questions the agenda he is pushing. Racist ideals are disgusting but you are allowed to think and say them. A slippery slope if we start overtly banning thoughts (regardless if you agree/disagree)
@gol979 There is that. And there is nothing more disgusting than someone like Musk, who advocates free speech while, as you say, censoring anything that is critical of his agenda. I'll row back on my comment.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya for sure and its great to have a conversation where we disagree and still be cordial. Its becoming a lost art. Kudos
@gol979 The moment anonymity and avatars are banned from social media, the sooner more of us can have cordial debates.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya we might have another disagreement on our hands 😂
@gol979 Let's leave it at that, then 😂
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Mesthartiya on that we can agree
MethDozer · M
@gol979 His freedom of speech isn't compromised by being reported, told to stfu, or denied a platform to spew his poison.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@MethDozer It is compromised if admin review this post and remove it. Do you think they would care without reports? How is his freedom of speech not being stopped if he is denied a website to express his views?

Did he say anything wrong? How is it poison?
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MethDozer · M
@emiliya Long story short. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have right to say whatever you want a website. It means you have the right to go create your own to do so.
Freeindeed · 31-35, M
@emiliya They will not and can't answer you how I'm wrong because I'm right. All they can do is scream like petulant children "DERP DE DERP RACISM."

Oh, and let's face it, they detest free speech. Irrespective of whether or not it technically constitutes as such on a social media platform, they still detest the principle of free speech.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@MethDozer How is it hate speech? What hateful comments did he make? He said immigrants look out for themselves, and a nation is better off being unified and patriotic. All nations are entitled to be unified and patriotic. Do Indians not possess this right? Africans? Chinese? Why must the whites be the ones brought to their knees? You are inflicting harm on yourself. Do you have an identity or not?
MethDozer · M
@Freeindeed You're wrong because every bit of factual scientifically verifiable data points to you be wrong. Morality points to you being wrong.

You're whole argument is based on a sick interpretation on a book of religious fairy tales. The Bible isn't a proof of argument.
Freeindeed · 31-35, M
@MethDozer There is no factual scientifically verifiable data against what I'm saying. There is nothing that proves me wrong. The science is on my side here.

Provide the proof or shut your mouth.
MethDozer · M
@Freeindeed Yes there is. There is no scientific data to suggest any differences or capabilities of ethnicities. Race is a made up construct with no scientific basis. Science is not on your side.
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gol979 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer saying words isnt a crime. You are stepping on the territory of thought crimes. I will point out that you want the OP dead but no one is saying for you to be censored. I think that is a disgusting thing to say but you have every right to think and say it.