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Like Obama, Kamala is NOT black - yet they are sold as black and Americans buy it without question. Why?

Both have mothers who are not black: Kamala's mother is Indian (Asian) and Obama's mother was white.

Neither were raised in African American culture. A young Obama was in Hawaii and outside the US for major parts are his rearing. Kamala spent formative years from 12 years old to high school in Canada.

Obama proposed marriage to white women (until he decided on running for office and knew his chances and optics were better with a black wife). Kamala married a white man.

Kamala attended a HBCU (Howard University - I was there during the same years) but allowed herself to be billed as an Indian woman upon entering the Senate. She is black now but was not insisting on it back then. AP states that her mother "rasied her as black" which shows how much the liberal media lies - how the fuck does an Indian woman raise any child to be black?

Obama was raised by white people through his entire young life - white mother and white parents. He barely knows his black African relatives - not matter how much that fact was downplayed.

Both are what old black folks called "light, bright, and damn near white" - there features are far more accepted by non-black (especially whites). This aspect of "colorism" has been an advantage in American society since the country's inception - unfortunately, it still is. This makes them physically attractive for Dems to prop up as black without going with REAL black candidates.

Blacks have been duped by Democrats for generations - the introduction of this Obama effect is the culmination of the racial, ideological and social manipulation on the American negro. They are going to try to package her as the female Obama. The underlying tragedy is that so many Americans are dishonest and/or stupid enough to buy it without question.
PatKirby · M
It basically amounts to a poc marketing effort. That's fine it's like mind over matter - I don't mind that they don't matter.
Sarasmiles · 41-45
They'll choose any POC over a White man. DEI job.

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