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Why would a white male choose to live in the west insted of south asia?

If you're white and live in the west, you are hates. If you go to south asia and you're white, your status is autmatically raised. Why would you NOT do this? Like, why aren't even more white boys doing this? If you ask ppl in america, canada, and western and norther europea about the white male, you get negative opinions. Ask the same question about south asia, and you get positive opinions. Passport bros; why not??
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Not sure what you are talking about. I'm a cis-het white male and I'm generally not hated for it. If you listen closely to the criticisms typically leveled, they tend to be criticisms of people who abuse power, or people who follow trends and have the perception of being unoriginal as a result.

The people in power have a tendency to reflect the majority. The 'normie trends' are typically defined by the majority. If all white males left these areas, they'd possible just establish a new majority elsewhere and then the criticisms would follow.

Most criticisms of X race tend to define a position in the social strata typically built upon relative demographic and economic power. The reason white people tend to be liked in Asia is because they are typically part of a minority that doesn't carry the threat of social power but bring a lot of wealth to put into local economies.

Listen to the criticisms. If they don't ring true to you, then why associate your identity with the people they are talking about? If they do ring true, then maybe it's time for self reflection.
@ViciDraco White people are held to endless double standards. Virtually anything negative that white people say about most given POC races is tabboo, while POC's can say whatever they want about white people. You can just use your imagination to think of some random generalization that could be made about a race, then flip it and realize the difference in social consequence. I can give you examples if you don't believe me.

Listen to the criticisms. If they don't ring true to you, then why associate your identity with the people they are talking about?
Because being white is a part of my identity whether I want it to or not? The left loves when whites identify with their race in order to say "I acknowledge my privilege and recognize the wrongs of my ancestors" but not when white identity is positive, or even neutral.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@BRUUH Two questions for you, and then some additional thoughts.

1) Do you understand the difference between punching up vs. Kicking down when it comes to social critique?

2) Why do you identify with whiteness so strongly? Race isn't real biologically. It's literally just skin adapted for living in regions with different amounts of sun exposure. It's really a social construct. And that is so flimsy that what has constituted 'being white' hasn't even been consistent for the past hundred years. I mean, I'm also blonde. But aside from a few dumb jokes there isn't really any "Blonde identity". Or rather, I don't see people getting bent out of shape that the jokes affect their identity.

The thing about social constructs is that their advantages and disadvantages are just as artifically constructed. 'White males' in the regions you indicated hold the majority of social power. The advantages they hold are largely a result of that social power. Being able to accomplish things when you have social power is kind of expected. It's the default. The reason racial identity means anything when speaking positives about minority groups is because being in the minority group typically entails social disadvantage. Accomplishing things tends to mean overcoming those disadvantages. Now, what stories do western cultures tend to favor. Stories where the powerful prevail? Or stories where the underdog prevails? Outside of anime power fantasy shows, most Western audiences love rooting for the underdog.

The thing is, white males are at the top of the power structure. We are not the underdogs in the social rankings. There is nobody to punch up against. Being white males does not bring additional social challenges the same way it does for black women. So bringing up our skin color and sex is pointless. Saying good things about POCs is not a way to say they are better than you. It's a way to acknowledge that they faced additional challenges you would not have had to face.

It's late now, i need sleep, so won't be having any more responses tonight. But yeah, maybe try to take a deeper look into the human nature behind all of this.
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