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What if George Floyd was White?

What do you think the reaction would have been if there was a White male who had been killed in the same way Floyd was? Would there have been outrage, or not?

It seems to me that the answer is probably not, because all that really matters are exaggerated or non-existent issues around race.

I don't particularly favor the police, and that is because they can be horrible to all people, especially poor people who have limited means of fighting back. Race, you'll find, is mostly irrelevant when you consider that people who commit crime or who are suspected of committing crime can all be subject to unfair treatment upon being caught and arrested. If you haven't done a nice thing, some people would say that you don't deserve nice treatment.

Regardless of whether you are Black or White, if you resist arrest or create unnecessary problems for yourself when arrested, you are asking for trouble. Even Tasers, which the police use to subdue, can cause a person's heart to stop.

Note: I appreciate that this "trouble" shouldn't have involved a knee being pressed down on you until you stopped breathing, but I am arguing that this *could* have happened to a White man had he behaved in the same way.

The issue is that there would not have been the same outraged response. Police wouldn't have been vilified, riots wouldn't have been had, businesses wouldn't have been vandalized, and people likely wouldn't have cared.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
If he was white no one would have cared about his death. More white males are killed by police than any other statistic. And
nobody bats an eye 🤷‍♀️
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SW-User Racial motivation is the only cause that makes any sense given the crime data. You have no other explanation for it, since crime rates do not support your premise.
@windinhishair Wrong.

The "crime data" says Blacks commit more crimes. Because they commit more crimes, they have more issues with the police.

I know you can't grasp that, but please go and fail to grasp it elsewhere because no one wants to read the trash that you keep writing.

We've all had enough of it, really.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
The "crime data" says Blacks commit more crimes. Because they commit more crimes, they have more issues with the police.

That is true, but only to an extent. It does NOT account for the large disparity in deaths at the hands of police. I know you only deal in absolutes and cannot understand real world situations that are not black and white (pun intended), so you continue to write your filth and misinformation that no one but the uneducated and deliberately uninformed wants to read. Unfortunately you are wrong and will continue to be wrong no matter how much you cry and whine about it.
If someone would make a big deal about it, then it would be the same response as to any white person getting attention, everyone else would say "but what about this person, what about that person, you don't care cause they're not white!"

A white man was just released, after sitting in jail for 21 years, they just found out he's innocent, nobody talks about that.

When Gaby went missing, and later was found killed by her boyfriend, it went viral thanks to tiktok, and her being an influencer. But several people basically said that if she wasn't white then nobody would care, literally taking away from her attention while people were still looking for her, cause she was white. So if she's white, we shouldn't be looking or speaking up?

And the people screaming the loudest about "we all need to stick together, and stand up for everyone!". Funny how they never re-post about anything else? I have seen lots of people after Floyd, who laid flat, and wanted to be all BLM, and we should all matter. But when I've shared about literally any other race, suddenly they're quiet?

And I know they see me posting it, so the people in Iran don't deserve the same noise? Or Vanessa Guillén who went missing, and was later found after being raped and killed in the military, and all the other women who go thru the same? The kids that are caged at the borders, they don't deserve attention? Ukraine is in a war, and people legit wanna say "people only care cause they're white". The world is literally going to shits, and people are still fucking focusing on what skin color a person has "oh I wanna care, but wait what color are they?". I share a lot on insta, and I never see them reacting now.. I've been spamming about Iran, cause it's fucking horrifying, and I got a dm like "wow, you care a lot.." Like, uhm yeah, you should too..

You shouldn't have got me started 😂😂
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@SW-User I thought the world was going to shit but "going to shits" sounds a lot more accurate. 😂
@SinlessOnslaught It's very important to say it correctly okei!?😂
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@SW-User btw people saying the police don't receive enough training, generally don't know what they're talking about. It's rarely a training issue when police make a mistake. Sometimes but rarely.
Imagine if Zimmerman was following a 16 year old white girl who turned around and Maced him and then he killed her.
@Ryderbike Beyond stupid.

No one wants to talk to you, so go away.
@SW-User I didn’t expect you to be able to answer. Racists aren’t thinkers .
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Ryderbike Imagine if the 16 year old white girl was eating Skittles and Zimmerman shot and killed her because she looked suspicious.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
I agree....race is not the issue.....usually isn't..... it's the criminals and the crime that's out of control....AND the police are tired of it and it's mostly black crime.... so the race card is used.
And when they resist arrest....the trouble just escalates.
Our political leaders need to crack down on crime.... but with the current won't happen.
@Zonuss the law does treat everyone equally. Conviction rates depend on how much evidence there is against you and whether you can afford good legal representation, not your race.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User False. You're living in a bubble dear. No exposure to reality whatsoever. We are not all treated equally under the law. Even my dog knows this. We can start all the way from corporate to bureaucracy.
And we are not even talking about the wealthy. 🙂🌛
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I think That incident was the tipping point, not the only reason for all the outrage afterwards.

One assassination started the world war one it's not the sole reason.

Also police is not vilified without any reason, few rotten apples can makes us reject the whole box full of apples.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User Hello Nuance my Old Friend!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User When the video of the white man that psycho cop murdered on tape as he was giving him conflicting orders like some satanic game of Simon Says went viral onine several years back, I didn't see the race baiters shed a tear. I saw them defend the psychopath cop. White victim or not.

So it's more complicated than their strawmanning made it seem.

I now disagree with progressives on a lot, but I was one at the time, and I saw them cover it a lot in detail, so credit to them. And the youtube channels I watched (not MSM trash) did so in a nuanced manner.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
I think the confusion is breeding ignorance from both sides of the fence. The problem is the system and you are quite right it isn't black vs white it is poor vs rich...

The rich aren't silly enough to go around killing poor people themselves so they pit us against eachother using propaganda and unfair rules in hopes of keeping people distracted by the real problem (them).
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
If he were white, would it make you people happy?

@GeistInTheMachine I'm Jewish, so it is in my interest to ask why it happened.

@deadgerbil tell this spaz that I'm reaaaal
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User And I am black, so it is in my pertinent interest as well, and I have seen too much to stay quiet about all the racialist fuckery I have seen for years. You must be very familiar with it as well, then.
@GeistInTheMachine Would you prefer to have lived several decades ago, then?

We've never had it so good, so stop complaining.
I look forward to a world where race doesn’t impact behavior. That isn’t the word I live in, however.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@BiasForAction That will never exist in this world, because this world is just a temporary blip and a joke in comparision to Eternity and The Almighty.
@GeistInTheMachine almighty Oden?
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
imagine if whites rioted everytime a white was murdered by a black... 🤔

most of the the northeast would be smoldering ash...
CestManan · 46-50, F
If the news bothered to mention it at all it would have been only in Minneapolis and maybe 20 seconds of coverage. The news team would have said in a cynical tone, "Mmm, that's very sad" and that would have been the end of it.

No videos, no riots, no names released, no calls to justice, no cops arrested, and then they would have went back to covid since that was the big thing.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Yes, and he may have not done all of the crimes that George Floyd
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
Never would have been made such a public issue.
You white .. then you Ben Affleck
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
What do you do as police officer? be to soft on suspects and risk putting yourself and others in danger or be hard on the suspect and maybe over do it then face them putting a compliant against you🤷‍♂️ I expect if he was white and known to be a trouble maker then probably nothing would have come about it.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Misanthropic Sure it is.
That's why it happened. Like at least make a little bit of sense. 🙂
Wiseacre · F
I agree...there would still have been outrage, but not to the same extent.
I disagree. The issue isn't race, but police who want to be judge, jury, and least for me.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@TheSentinel If the police officer put him in the car after he was handcuffed - problem solved and no death
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@TheSentinel I dunno. When one side (not always!) that was often racially abused and ignored for decades on end says there may be a racial component,

And the other side (not always!) often downplays a racial component for decades on end, I'm personally going to side with the former more often than the latter, at least in some way.

Too much Sketchy shit has happened in this country (USA) not to have a nuanced cautious view IMO, and in my experience.

Nuance is needed but often ignored, by design.

America is allergic to nuance. Bipolar, binary simple nation.

Does it mean it is always ALL a race thing? Nah.

Is it often patrially a race thing? Yeah. And anyone who wants to prove it in good faoth can look up the data for themselves, assuming you go through it using mathematically unbiased sources and denature the pervasive media spin.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
And who's fault is that ? 🤔
Is it mines.
Is it yours.
The reality is George Floyd was not
White. And that alone pretty much speaks for itself. That's the reality we live in. Thank you .🙂🇺🇲
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
meh we had plenty of debates when it happened on here

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