Drachona · 31-35, M
I could say what has already been said, which is that there is no known way to "become" a werewolf, but I would rather ask this question: why would anyone want to "become" a werewolf? I've addressed this many time with people who've messaged me. The more important thing to focus on is why you want to change what you are, as if it will somehow make you free or improve who you are as a person. Aside from the fact that it would, most likely, make your life more complicated, you should explore who you are as a person and value that far more than the superficiality of appearance.
DemonicPersona · F
How does it work then
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LexSpirita · 26-30, F
@Drachona Through bite you cannot turn, other superficial speculation as you said, suggests otherwise. Being born one is hard to say whether or not you were. In that respect, it's hard to say whether one is right or wrong in their belief that they are either born or created. I say belief because many believe they are but aren't sure, based on who really has succeeded and who has failed to really grasp the truth behind our kind.
I wasn't really sure in which context you were saying. So for that I apologize. But people here aren't going to listen to the ramblings of us, much less if they claim they are open to it. We can simply try and wait and see. But its up to others to decide what they want but they make it seem as if a bite or curse or potion or spell will help them to become one that is simply not the case.
I wasn't really sure in which context you were saying. So for that I apologize. But people here aren't going to listen to the ramblings of us, much less if they claim they are open to it. We can simply try and wait and see. But its up to others to decide what they want but they make it seem as if a bite or curse or potion or spell will help them to become one that is simply not the case.
LexSpirita · 26-30, F
We simply are "werewolves" who are really shape shifters. Or more correctly wolves.
LexSpirita · 26-30, F
@Drachona Honestly I call us wolves or shape shifters rather than the term werewolves, because we're pictured as a more beastly, cruel, grotesque creature in some other way, shape or form.
SheAngel19 · 36-40, F
You can't become one at all, simple as that.
aztecwolf · 26-30, M
I always love it when I see a new face here. It's been quit here to be honest.
LexSpirita · 26-30, F
@aztecwolf: Good to know that there's people here who have manners besides one person. Pleasure.
aztecwolf · 26-30, M
@LexSpirita: you welcome. Sad that this place is so dead. Miss being on ep. It was way more active.
LexSpirita · 26-30, F
@aztecwolf same. Things were different back then, it's been years since this place was booming. Even the trolls were active, even real ones lurked around. But most of us left then there was nothing but lies and decide left.
makkopolis · 22-25, M
exactly what the last two said
Lmfao, you are too much.
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