Haylani · 26-30
Well, maybe learn martial arts, to help protect yourself? And remember, if anyone goes after you, since they're still human, maybe the cops can help? Werewolf or not, no one should be picking on you for being different, and assaulting someone simply for being different is a crime.
LunaBornBeast · 22-25, F
Haylani, My small town is quite strange and with me not being "their breed of werewolf" so to say, most tend to get pretty vicious about it.
Haylani · 26-30
What do you mean by "doesn't fit into any type"? If you're talking about not fitting into somewhere and having werewolves attacking you...well, they won't attack you simply for not fitting in, or they shouldn't, anyway.
LunaBornBeast · 22-25, F
CallMeDex, Why? In my town, I'd get put in a Insane Asylum and probably put in chains since werewolves murder humans in their opinion.
Shazza · 31-35, F
Whats going on ?
I could help.
Shazza · 31-35, F
Hello um luna you have got it all totally wrong werewolves do Not just kill humans it does not work like that thats just what hollywood bs percieves them as and some younger generation belive the movies and shows so they act like loose cannones when they are not
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Yes. Find a good doctor and ask for anti psychotics.