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I Am A Real Werewolf

I'm only making this so people can ask questions and answer. But ba<x>sed off of what I've read I guess you could say I'm answering MsMoony's question(excuse me if I spelled your name wrong). No, the real ones aren't mean to one another just defensive. They think of this page as their territory which is the best way I'm going to explain this. Anyone else can judge or say what ever they wish its not in my general nature to stop a person from voicing their opinions on certain matters. But as I was saying MsMoony is that we want peace. Though others want war, and kiddy quarrels, and justice done, and so on and so forth a majority of us better to say the ones who can truely shift or have anything to do with magick or nature or spiritual things, they want peace. But there is frustration and discourse. Since real shifters and such have disappeared, left or vanished or stopped speaking all together its kind of hard for everyone not to fight. No guidance, lack of patience, difference in personalities and ranks in general, assumptions and random up roars of trolls, fakes, naysayers, and role pla<x>yers have have more of a concerning reason as to why we are all apparently mean to one another.

Now that that's settled onto the other important questions people tend to ask.

Can you turn me? No
Can I use your blood or bite? No
Do you shift under the full moon? No. You can if you want it's at your own free will.
Is there a spell that can turn me? No. One such spell has never been found though there are rumors of rituals in the past that has never been proven so don't try it.
Are you a real werewolf? We will never tell and if we do we don't over speculate or draw attention to ourselves.
Does anger have anything to do with shifting? Yes it does, but just because you start shaking or having a panic attack doesn't mean you are turning you may have a medical condition make sure this is a fact.
Are you guys like Twilight or Teen Wolf? We look like wolves when we complete a full shift that should give you enough information but their are different kinds of shifters and animals that people turn into or whom guide them.
"I feel the need to howl under the full moon" It does not always mean you are a wolf or a shifter sometimes that just happens to certain people.
"I changed in a matter of months" Most shifters take YEARS to master their art of shifting. Don't test or lie to us we will snuff it out.
"You are a fake and a troll and a liar" Just because we told you you couldn't turn or that the truth is we haven't physically shifted yet doesn't mean we're lying only that we're evolving or quitting.
"I watched this documentary.... I saw on YouTube... I read online... I read this book in the library...." Stop.... None of those are good resources unless it was from BC AC or even decades ago.

I'm positive there are more but I can't think of any right now.

Don't start fights on here we're not in preschool. You want to fight go to the gym. People who comment negatively all the time will do that. They have nothing else better to do so ignore them. To the people who can't stand the truth I'm sorry but I am not your family or your partner who spoils the shit out of you and puts a silver spoon in your mouth. I won't do it here and I absolutely don't in real life. So to the people who are angry about this deal with it and get over it. You're breathing, you're heart's beating, you have food and water, thank God and move on.

And to those of you who apparently want this life; Yes I am happy that I went through the things I went through because of this because I grew up, got my head out of my ass and know better now. But I don't wish this life for or on anyone. Choose wisely. As for the rest of you who have already started. Good luck and I wish you all the best.

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Does thispost differ in any way shape or form from the stack of ones similar to it that gets posted every now and then because someone needs some attention.
Woah woah woah slow down on your high trolling horse dude not everyone has depression nor suffering from it I'm not and I do not have family issues yes in the past I did but I love my family friends and all that and not everyone is here to get sympathy maybe someone's here cause they actually might be a true real legit werewolf
I'm not accusing you, so much as I'm analyzing your writing. Also phrases like "birth family" really go to show that you indeed have family issues or at the very least suffer from a lack of attention from them.
When he said birth family he was meaning who have birth to her you dipshit also she could have been using a werewolf term
We hide for a good reason. Those who claim it automatically after reading a book or a film are fake.. Half the people here have probably watched a movie or read a book and thought 'that's cool i want to be a wolf! I'm going to tell all my friends I'm a wolf to see how they react' but yes you catch my drift though I hope you have to be careful these days
Well that didn't happen with me unlike the fakes roleplayers and wannabes I was born like this
Hello.i don't find this page group to be my territory its just a page a territory os basicly the town city country you live in or a safe haven place or fav place
Lol anyways you are right bout one thing which is most werewolves can actually tell others what they are but then again they can if they really trust that person
Woof! If this was my territory, I'd be selling it. I'm sure there's a beachfront somewhere around here......
But it wouldn't do much good, would it?
LOL, sometimes I wish I could turn some of these folks. They'll never ask for a way out of the life they have again.
Beta. Thank you.
LexSpirita · 26-30, F
I am no ones beta but you're welcome
Well said.

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