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I Am A Real Werewolf

Greetings and salutations,
This is a call for all werewolves that want and are willing to help. I and a few Werewolves are trying to put a pack together; however this pack will have a place to gather. Our vision is to give werewolves of all types a permanent place where they can go and be themselves (in every sense of the word). This plan involves some dedication but will surly pay off in the end. All I ask is that when you read this you keep an open mind and be respectful. I have sectioned off a 12-15 square mile piece of land in an unorganized Canadian territory; it is in this area where the plan takes shape. In exchange for the land I will propose a deal to the municipal gov. that in return for the land we will construct our own homes, roads, farms etc. and they won’t pay for anything. The reason they will most likely take the deal is the fact that the area and all of it surroundings have never had a population. Now a lot of people by this point are saying “this all sound great and everything but really expensive too”, and I have a solution for that. The plan for money is simple, every pay check you get you put a little away for this idea. This can be anywhere from 1/16 of your pay to 1/4, I doesn't really matter. Even if you make $20,000 each year, over ten years at 1/16 is $12,500, which might not seem like a lot, but a little goes a long way. This will not happen overnight, it will by my estimate take 10-15 years however this schedule is pliable depending on how many people want to do this and are dedicated to it. Even if we get 30 people that make $20,000 over ten years at 1/16 they alone in total will provide $375,000 to this, imagine 100 (and remember not everyone makes the same amount of money, people can make more than that). The money will mostly go to the infrastructure and well being of the pack; this includes making houses, farms, growing food, raising animals etc. All of this can easily be created in a simple way and it will all be created for sustainability and efficiency. We won’t be making roads out of tar, we will make them out of materials like gravel and paving stones, the houses and other things can easily be erected with the right materials and design. We will try to be as self-sufficient as possible so as to not unnecessarily spend money. Everyone will have their own land to grow crops, livestock, or anything else and they can sell that to places and receive money for it. This can be anywhere from fruit orchards, livestock, poultry and eggs, vegetables, or wheat and grains. Now here comes the question of modern appliances and electronics. Since we live in an unorganized territory and out in the wilderness (but not the middle of nowhere) we have a chance to create all of our electricity by ourselves. For the power we will have our own solar panel power station that will produce all of our energy. For our water and waste needs we can open a distillery that will get water from the creek, purify it and distribute it. Then as for waste, the waste water will be flushed into a sewer system where the water will flow through back to the creek and the waste will collect in a separate basin where it will be reused as fertilizer. This place will be where werewolves can come to visit, live, play and just be themselves. It will be a permanent community for werewolves and also a training place for the pups to learn about being a werewolf, there will also be regular schools where they can learn mainstream subjects as well. We can make this vision a reality if we all work together, and remember the more people that help the quicker this can happen.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
~marrok1Tom (leader, organizer)
~pompeaj (writer)
Please respond in a respectful manner, any rude or condescending comments will not be responded to or appreciated. And if I forgot to mention anything that you think I needed to or left out, please tell me and I will answer you ASAP.
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Tell me about being a Werewolf? You mentioned that you could train cubs to BE Id like to know what all of that entails??
pompeaj · 26-30, M
I said about being a werewolf, you are born with it you cannot be made into one, they need to be taught about it all, I'm not a werewolf I just work with them so I wouldn't know
I sent you a message with my email attached. Above, I simply asked the question..."What is it they need to be taught"? How would you go about passing on your experiences. Your awfully young to have many..but I could be wrong?
BTW..YOU said you were a Werewolf at the top of your storyline. ( see above)
pompeaj · 26-30, M
No I didn't I am a human, I am simply the writer of this (see end of experience)
Yea..I guess its hard to type on a computer when one has to deal with paws instead of fingers??I dont believe your.."UN-PAWSable Denial" I was going to share something with you...but Ive decided not to. Its better this way.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
I'm really not a werewolf I am a human
pompeaj · 26-30, M
Why can't you tell me
pompeaj · 26-30, M
They are multidimensional they can come and go as they please that is why so few have seen them
Now..when you says you mean.."Im not a werewolf when Im a human..but I am a werewolf when im not a human"??

Find yourself a black mirror. Use it!
Tell you what??
Id sooner tell your Master. He doesnt deny HIS linage. Hes also my it seems? Also..hes the one thats trying to create the "Game Farm" that you started this all with. Your just his typist. Arent you??
Lol that's how cults form.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
Yes, I will tell him, but I assure you the only beings that I have on my family tree that would be close to werewolves are nymphs, satyrs, and centaurs
Centaurs really? Lol you just back slid so hard.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
No they do exist, humanity back slid so hard with the fall of the ancient civilizations, if they didn't go you would know about them right now
Honey you are out of your league at the moment.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
Oh, how so?
Because I have more years experience and research under my belt than you have been alive.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
And what definitive evidence is there that you can say without a doubt that werewolves, vampires, satyrs, centaurs, nymphs, etc don't exist. Please indulge me, I would love to know, because right now all science has is an educated guess because they personally have not seen them.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
And you know the reason why they haven't seen them, because they haven't looked for them,
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation before investigation.” | Edmund Spencer
Where did I say any of this didn't exist? Oh that's because I didn't. Copy pasting quotes and amateur attempts at deflection do not impress me either.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
Then why when I was saying this did you say I was back sliding, I'm a little confused here. Something's not adding up, may you please explain, also I memorized that quote
So that's why it's formatted? Lol. You are not going to convince me you have centaurs in your lineage -_-.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
I do, he is Chiron, he is from my Ancient Greek lineage
So then explain how that procreation came about. I know who Chiron is. But even if it was possible, which it isn't, it would all be thinned out so dramatically you would not have acquired anything worth mention. You have no grounds to claim.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
No, I don't your right I'm not claiming I'm anything I never was, I am merely the co creator of this idea and it's writer