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If Humans evolved from apes, then why are there still Apes?!

I know, i know: No Creationist is still making this argument, right?
Behold Donald Trump’s and Mitch McConnell’s candidate for the U.S. Senate from Georgia, football legend Herschel Walker. In a sit down with a pastor, Walker drops this truth bomb with an impish smile:
“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? … If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.”

Well god damn, Herschel! If dogs came from wolves, why are there still wolves?!
2022, folks! And creationists are still trotting out this tired old nag.
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Carla · 61-69, F
At this rate i am not certain we wont devolve right back into apedom.🙄

lol stupid phylogeny!
Carla · 61-69, F
@Pikachu i had to look that up...
Yeah, stupid phylogeny!

lol fair enough.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
You just wait, at some point someone is going to ask you why no living orchanism pops out of peanut butter jar.


This demented segment of conservatism conserve everything, even bad arguments. They can't interact, because they are incapable of changing their minds when they are wrong. That why the freedom to preach is so important.
@deadgerbil Yeah. That’s who told me. So apparently, 6 million Jews were gassed through sheer coincidence.
DocSavage · M
I heard from another one, that god was ok with the Holocaust, since the victims rejected his son.
@DocSavage My favorite is "God allowed the Holocaust because it led to the creation of the State of Israel and makes Jesus' return that much closer."
Do they not realise that there are many species of apes...?

They do not.
@Pikachu 🤦‍♂️
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SW-User It is scientific illiteracy in full view for all to see.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M

I love imagining what Nova must be thinking here. Like wow, he is really freaking out over that statue. wtf?
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Tastyfrzz 👌
windinhishair · 61-69, M
He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. A tool, yes, but not a sharp one.
@Pikachu The same qualifications as the football coach from Alabama.

So...football? lol
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom Tommy Tuberville!
DocSavage · M
Not the only one

Oh god damnit. I liked that guy!
What a turd.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Methinks poor Herschel's been hit in the football helmet a few times too many! 🤪

Well we can certainly agree that he's been paying more attention to football than biology lol
CakeByTheOcean · 26-30, F
The short and sweet answer is we didn’t evolve from those apes. Different apes evolving at different speeds based in their chemical design and environment.

Indeed. We share a common ancestor.
But even if we were direct descendants of chimpanzees, there's no biological law that demands that the ancestral lineage be go extinct for the descendant lineage to survive.
The Republicans think Black voters in Georgia will support this guy because he’s Black and played football. Except he’s running against a Black pastor whose last job was head of the same church Martin Luther King headed. Also, Walker has some serious mental health issues.
@BohemianBabe Because opposing racism is just as bad as racism?
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@LeopoldBloom Well just "look at MY African American Football player over here, are you the greatest" 😖
@spjennifer “Some of my best friends are Black”
deadgerbil · 26-30
Their ignorance is mind numbing

Sometimes it certainly takes me by surprise.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@Pikachu it's a reflection of America's failed education system. Who needs a fact based reality when an iron age book has all the answers lol
Oh no. The real tragedy here is; he may never understand how wrong he is.

lol maybe. But there's no way his twitter feed isn't blowing up with people laughing about this.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
He’ll fit right in…
Viper · M
Technically I think it was chimpanzees, also I'm still waiting to here about how his wife was voting in GA it living in Tx. I haven't heard the outcome of that yet.
LoveKitty · 22-25, F
"Look at that gorilla go!" - commentator Howard Cosell re a black football player.
@LoveKitty monkey he said I think about Greg Pruitt from the Cleveland Browns 🙂

lol woops
By the way, the pastor responds to that little gem with "You're getting too smart for us!"

lol holy shit!🤣
@Pikachu Ain't that the truth! Preach!!

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