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"Who's coat is that jacket?"
"I'll be there now in a minute."
And the classic;
"It's over by there."
"Who's coat is that jacket?"
"I'll be there now in a minute."
And the classic;
"It's over by there."
Blodyn · 22-25, F
@Mindfulness I know!
"Who belongs to that cardigan?"
Now in a minute just is the future tense!
"Sit by there!"
"Who belongs to that cardigan?"
Now in a minute just is the future tense!
"Sit by there!"
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
Talk tidy,like
“Where to is she now?”
“Where to is she now?”
Blodyn · 22-25, F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales You made me laugh! I loved the fideo. All the stuff we say. I didn't even know half of it is Wenglish. I thought everyone all over the world said it!