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Aid for Ukraine?

Americans that have been in need are being neglected. Instead of taking care of its own people saying that they can’t afford this or that, but they are finding it for other’s. The people that are for this say we should give as much aid for various reasons are either unaware of the suffering Americans that have been and are being neglected or just want to have spotlight recognition by their peers or the other countries! Regardless of the fact they are not being good stewards towards their own American people! They don’t put America first! So it doesn’t surprise me that some people are not really good with the motto of America first.

So what I am going to ask is why don’t you want to stop neglecting Americans that are needy and neglecting other needs in America?

If you have to pick between who is going to die between a relative or a stranger the relative is going to win every time!
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MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I think the problem most people have it with the unfair distribution of wealth.
If the super rich were taxed more then you could help those in need there in the USA and give financial backing to Ukraine.

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