The Humpty Dumpty Analogy
The fat cats on Wall Street and Washington along with the 1% could very well be a different variation of Humpty Dumpty. When we actually think about the United States today their is a direct connotation and correlation between the nursery rhyme and what the portrayal of America is in relationship to the rest of the world. When we trace the origins of Humpty Dumpty, the mane was a colloquial term used in 15th century England describing someone who is obese. When we really take a close look at our 1% and our own government we come away with the realization that just maybe America's ruling class can be aptly portrayed as Humpty Dumpty. To paraphrase the nursery rhyme with subsequent and added analogies we come away with "Humpty Dumpty { America's 1% ,Trump and government } sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall { America during the past 30 years of disingenuous policies } All the Kings horses {the US Congress } and all the Kings men { Supreme Court and Cabinet members along with Presidential appointees } couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again."
It is interesting to note that basically this analogy of a Humpty Dumpty America is pretty much true to form when we really take a good hard reality check around the landscape of the United States today. In just this past decade the United States has created a tempest of hostilities primarily in the Mid-East. Either by covert affairs or outright military intervention everything the United States government has done in the name of our national interest actually was smoke and mirrors diplomacy. The consequences have only manifested already exasperating tensions with ramifications that far exceed this nations ability not only to comprehend what we have done but to actually act accordingly. So much for our foreign policy. We did take a great fall.
On the domestic front, again the fall we have taken literally has fractured the United States beyond all the king horses and all the kings men's ability to put Humpty Dumpty America back together yet again. What will it take to put fractured Humpty Dumpty America back together again? It will take much more than what our leaders of state keep emphasizing. And, it won't happen at all the way our political process is currently conducted. It most certainly won't happen if we keep using different variations of the same current governmental policies. Again it won't happen when we think about education, one of the most vital pieces of the puzzle in putting America back together, until we realize the ground swell of splintered educational reform proposals all across the country have only exasperated total education reform. All of these have made it virtually impossible to fit the broken pieces of America together to form one unified nation with a clear plan of direction for both short term stability and for long term growth and prosperity. Something that is missing in the puzzle that is America.
Never before has the United States fallen so far and so hard. This nation today is so splintered. The splintered pieces of America have been constantly moving apart to where trying to but them back together is almost impossible. To do the impossible we have to recognize that first there has to be a cohesive element to draw each piece closer together. When that happens and only then can we the people figure out which piece goes where to form that perfect union. That cohesive element, so elusive today, but nevertheless, is vital for America's future. That one key element so crucial is right within our reach. We as a society whose future survival depends on what we do now have to come together and realize that what our political process has done for the past 40 years is an evolution not of unification but of fractionalization. We have to realize this before any of the pieces of America can be constructively attached together.
When Abraham Lincoln said " A nation divided against itself cannot stand" was right all along. We have a nation so splintered with fractional groups pitted against one another dictating that their agenda is the one. When so little common ground swells up to unite whether it is the Tea Party, Republicans or Democrats and others. Where animosity rules the day. When compromise is no longer in the equation. All of these are considered fractionalization of our republic. It is time we actually realize what has been happening over the course of 30 years of fixing what was working in the first place. That old adage where a mechanic tries to sophisticate an automobile in removing a piece that was working just fine to upgrade or make it better without knowing what components actually will do it somewhere somehow along the line actually made that automobile not only in worse shape than it came in with but almost now impossible to fix and get it running again. That is actually what our illustrious government have been doing whether it is on the state or federal level. And, it has been going on for over 35 years.
We the citizens of the United States actually are that key element. We are citizens of the United States and not people sworn to one political entity or another. We have a collective right to unite and usher in a new agenda for the United States. One that will put Humpty Dumpty America back together again. One where the United States will never succumb to falling splintering into so many fragmented pieces like we are witness to today. But, this won't happen until there is an overwhelming outcry of so many citizens forming into a collective cohesive movement. It is this national movement that will persuade elected officials to do what is right for America. Understanding that where we are headed right now without the proper tools, or knowledge just like that car repair man who took out a vital piece and tried to make it better actuality only made it worse is what is happening today. Without understanding that no matter what comes out of Washington or state houses America will forever be a nation divided.
A plan of direction for national unity finally putting to rest the Humpty Dumpty analogy with the puzzle that is America finally solved is the choice we must make now. The longer we allow our government with it's lobbing accomplices and Wall Street right behind continue to due business as usual the more splintered the United States will become. Do we see ourselves twenty years from now as a nation so unrecognizable or do we act today to secure our future? It really is up to each and every one of us. We the people are that collective element. The tools needed to solve the puzzle that is America is in National Economic Reform and it's Ten Articles Of Unification. When we combine the collective element along with National Economic Reform's Ten Articles Of Unification Humpty Dumpty America will be put together and Americas puzzle will be solved for generations to come.
It is interesting to note that basically this analogy of a Humpty Dumpty America is pretty much true to form when we really take a good hard reality check around the landscape of the United States today. In just this past decade the United States has created a tempest of hostilities primarily in the Mid-East. Either by covert affairs or outright military intervention everything the United States government has done in the name of our national interest actually was smoke and mirrors diplomacy. The consequences have only manifested already exasperating tensions with ramifications that far exceed this nations ability not only to comprehend what we have done but to actually act accordingly. So much for our foreign policy. We did take a great fall.
On the domestic front, again the fall we have taken literally has fractured the United States beyond all the king horses and all the kings men's ability to put Humpty Dumpty America back together yet again. What will it take to put fractured Humpty Dumpty America back together again? It will take much more than what our leaders of state keep emphasizing. And, it won't happen at all the way our political process is currently conducted. It most certainly won't happen if we keep using different variations of the same current governmental policies. Again it won't happen when we think about education, one of the most vital pieces of the puzzle in putting America back together, until we realize the ground swell of splintered educational reform proposals all across the country have only exasperated total education reform. All of these have made it virtually impossible to fit the broken pieces of America together to form one unified nation with a clear plan of direction for both short term stability and for long term growth and prosperity. Something that is missing in the puzzle that is America.
Never before has the United States fallen so far and so hard. This nation today is so splintered. The splintered pieces of America have been constantly moving apart to where trying to but them back together is almost impossible. To do the impossible we have to recognize that first there has to be a cohesive element to draw each piece closer together. When that happens and only then can we the people figure out which piece goes where to form that perfect union. That cohesive element, so elusive today, but nevertheless, is vital for America's future. That one key element so crucial is right within our reach. We as a society whose future survival depends on what we do now have to come together and realize that what our political process has done for the past 40 years is an evolution not of unification but of fractionalization. We have to realize this before any of the pieces of America can be constructively attached together.
When Abraham Lincoln said " A nation divided against itself cannot stand" was right all along. We have a nation so splintered with fractional groups pitted against one another dictating that their agenda is the one. When so little common ground swells up to unite whether it is the Tea Party, Republicans or Democrats and others. Where animosity rules the day. When compromise is no longer in the equation. All of these are considered fractionalization of our republic. It is time we actually realize what has been happening over the course of 30 years of fixing what was working in the first place. That old adage where a mechanic tries to sophisticate an automobile in removing a piece that was working just fine to upgrade or make it better without knowing what components actually will do it somewhere somehow along the line actually made that automobile not only in worse shape than it came in with but almost now impossible to fix and get it running again. That is actually what our illustrious government have been doing whether it is on the state or federal level. And, it has been going on for over 35 years.
We the citizens of the United States actually are that key element. We are citizens of the United States and not people sworn to one political entity or another. We have a collective right to unite and usher in a new agenda for the United States. One that will put Humpty Dumpty America back together again. One where the United States will never succumb to falling splintering into so many fragmented pieces like we are witness to today. But, this won't happen until there is an overwhelming outcry of so many citizens forming into a collective cohesive movement. It is this national movement that will persuade elected officials to do what is right for America. Understanding that where we are headed right now without the proper tools, or knowledge just like that car repair man who took out a vital piece and tried to make it better actuality only made it worse is what is happening today. Without understanding that no matter what comes out of Washington or state houses America will forever be a nation divided.
A plan of direction for national unity finally putting to rest the Humpty Dumpty analogy with the puzzle that is America finally solved is the choice we must make now. The longer we allow our government with it's lobbing accomplices and Wall Street right behind continue to due business as usual the more splintered the United States will become. Do we see ourselves twenty years from now as a nation so unrecognizable or do we act today to secure our future? It really is up to each and every one of us. We the people are that collective element. The tools needed to solve the puzzle that is America is in National Economic Reform and it's Ten Articles Of Unification. When we combine the collective element along with National Economic Reform's Ten Articles Of Unification Humpty Dumpty America will be put together and Americas puzzle will be solved for generations to come.