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The dumbing down of America.

The average IQ is adjusted to be 100 whether it’s a population of Einsteins being studied or bed bugs. In 1996 it was reported that over the previous 15 years the reading difficulty of textbooks had dropped by two grade levels such that 5th graders were reading 3rd grade material. With this dumbing down, society is being pushed toward being developmentally challenged while told they’re average students. Today’s A’s are yesteryear’s C’s. I’ve started referring to “Dunning–Kruger zombies” where botnets of the malware-infected believe they’re better than college educated students, and they’ve got the guns to prove it.

Look at the huge pushes against standardized tests--they are incredibly useful for norming across schools with different teachers, local communities, grading policies.

But people like to think that their children are actually geniuses, without understanding what that might mean.

So when they go to school and are below average, the parents' egos are bruised and they complain to the school.

Ever heard: "I don't test well"?

A claimed skill which cannot be demonstrated is ONLY a claim, not a skill.

These idiots are happy for AI, bc they'll never have to learn how to write...
There are two conversations here. So called intelligence tests like IQ are proving more and more to be flawed metrics to base much of anything on.

Then you have the end result of 40 years of defunding education for anyone under the top 1% of the population and partisan organizations writing the textbooks used by the majority of schools , and education being turned into a for profit enterprise is a recipe for disaster.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Hard to say, America had a different demographic in the 50s than it does now.
actually the average IQ in America isn't even 100, it's 95
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@OliviaOfTheNight ouch! Not surprising.
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