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The justifiably most deserving

The most deserving group of Americans are being overlooked and ignored. As if the price and sacrifices they made in blood, watching their brothers die, loss of time with family, mental and physical anguish , and the belief that America had their back when they got home wasn't enough. Well ...we don't!! To the ones who have paid in full for the services and assistance they need we are failing them. They put America first before everything else in their lives , why isn't America putting them first ??

Why is a single veteran in need of anything? Why do we have over an estimated 100,000 veterans homeless in America every night? Why is any veteran not receiving the long term mental care they need ? Why does any veteran have to tolerate and be subject to substandard health care?? Yet every veteran receives nothing but substandard health care in over crowded facilities, from medical professionals that many are barely qualified to even practice. This is just a very short list of what the people we owe the most to are dealing with and subjected to. Their needs and dues are vast and many, yet veterans whose needs have been met are few and far between.

Last year our government spent 3 billion dollars on our most worthy citizens who already paid for their services . At the same time our government spent 66 billion dollars on an estimated 10 million immigrants who have absolutely no claim to, no right to nor have they paid for any of it. What's wrong with this picture? EVERYTHING!! Not one cent should go to the aid of the undeserving before the most deservings dues have been fully met.

If any American thinks that anything about this misguided, miss appropriated , mis represented , disaster of the current immigration policy for people we owe absolutely nothing to is acceptable , you need help.
While 100's of thousands of our most precious and valuable assets are left in the cold, the rain, the snow, the heat, the cold, needing medication, counseling, retraining, reintegration, mobility devices, etc,etc, to fend for themselves. They are left to suffer with and through issues that were created by us. If you can't see and understand the hard , cold reality of such a huge mistake and how disrespectful that is to our veterans , then you are truly pathetic and not deserving of the honor to be an American.
Ontheroad · M
I'm not sure where you got your numbers on what the government spends on VA Healthcare, but the budget for FY 2025 is $150 billion.

I'm also not sure where you got your $66 billion number on what is spent on the immigration system.

I'm not saying our veterans don't need a much better healthcare system, they most certainly do, but comparing it to immigration costs doesn't make sense to me.

Both of these program budgets are controlled and approved by Congress, the same Congress that approves all spending. The same Congress that is in all aspects broken, and can't for the life of the institution, get anything done.... well, anything except put on all these last-minute pork barrel programs to every bill they consider.

Our Congressional system is broken and that, more than anything, is at the heart of the VA Healthcare program and its problems. It's also the reason we don't have a sensible immigration system. Time and again it has refused to do anything about immigration other than bicker and point fingers.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Our government cares more about its votes than it does it's veterans
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I thank you for this post. 22 a day is not a joke. It's nice to see someone who cares. This is why I have been a member of the American legion and VFW for over 18 years. Semper fidelis.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@KingofBones1 Amen ! Yet they are treated as if they are amongst the worst! Let's hope we can wake America up and change that. Bless you and Thank you for your service Brother.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@goodlil666 Amen brother. And that is why we keep the faith together we make change

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