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The Finest Hour

In all of recorded history it can be said that many nations and yes certain individuals managed to attain a level of excellence far beyond their realm of reality. What one would call achieving their finest hour. In ancient history nations or empires like the Aztecs, the Mynas, the Babylonians, the Persians, and others all in some point in their history reached a level of supremacy either militarily or technological. In many instances the military advanced the technology, or the technology advanced the military. In ancient times they were no different than today with all the new innovative ways of mass destruction now available.

Like empires individuals too many have managed to attain a level of excellence, a superiority that has thrust them into legend. Immortalized by people who either witnessed or recorded great feats of heroism in war, wondrous deeds of humanitarianism, or athletic powerless. In ancient times it was Alexander The Great who the world today still declares him the greatest military leader in all of history. In his short life he did have that defining moment, that finest hour, whose moment in the sun carried him into immortality. But, as in life empires don't last forever. Leaders of nations like athletes at some point may have had that finest hour but, those moments in the sun are ever so fleeting.

In history some empires have lasted for centuries while others fade away too quickly. The Egyptians and the Roman Empire were two of the longest lasting empires of the ancient world. In modern times the world is much more diverse. The many different cultures, ethnic diversity, and the imbalance of nature has caused global upheavals where governments are in a constant cycle of change. Some are peaceful but more recently more aggressive and violent. In the 21st century the violent cycle of nations combined with the human interference with the balance of nature has once again thrust nations who are now enjoying their moment in the sun to realize that sun is quickly setting.

Many have asserted that the United States is now classified as an Empire. For over 250 years America has been on the world stage. More recently we have made our presence known in every corner of the world. Some of our intentions are well meant while others have only managed to disrupt the flow of cultural diversity in the name of democracy. Questions have to be asked: What lies ahead for the future of the United States? This given the direction we are currently headed. When we examine the sweeping scope of human history, it becomes readily apparent that progress is not linear. Rather, nations do rise and fall. Is time running out for the good old USA?

In order to answer that we have to look back in history The progress that nations achieve is often lost to later civilizations. Archaeological evidence exists to substantiate the fact that highly advanced civilizations that have preceded modern times even though they were a highly developed society completed the cycle of nations of rising to great heights, achieving their finest hour only to fall. Still more questions have to be asked and answered to prolong the history of America. Why did such great civilizations fail? And, why are they now nonexistent? One would expect that the likelihood of a nation’s survival would increase in proportion to the technological, medical, and economic progress. It is another fact that history does repeat because the fall of great civilizations is almost always attributed to sociological changes within that society. A direction that is right now occurring all across the United States. One that has created the decadence, moral depravity and the lust for more wealth, power and control along with the human interference with the balance of nature has the potential of creating a global catastrophe in the making. All will lead to the downfall of empires including the United States.

We as a nation has allowed a sociological transformation away from the concepts that defined our nation in a time when our nation was founded. As a result, like Rome in ancient times America is actually now imploding from within. The handwriting is already on the wall. A nation wallowing in colossal debt, a nation so morally corrupt, a nation so consumed with self-gratification, a nation with the greatest wealth disparity in history, and a nation so fragmented it is no wonder why then the United States is on the very edge of falling into an abyss. A devastation so massive our way of life, our society and our culture could soon be lost to history. Is that what the future holds for America? Is this the end of that great noble experiment of democracy? Are our founding father's efforts all in vain? Is our finest hour behind us or are we ready to repair the damage and have our finest hour yet to come?

Think about it. The leaders we elect have a sworn obligation to protect and serve the very basic fundamental foundation of our republic, the Constitution. Yet, in the past 50 years our elected officials have done everything possible to interpret their own perception of what our founding fathers envisioned for the future of the United States for their own self-serving agendas. Today, that future is nothing like what was intended when the Constitution was ratified. The hard cold reality is that unless radical reforms are implemented to turn the direction of America around, we too will be just another empire that did rise to great heights only to have left our finest hour behind.

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