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exchrist · 31-35
the worker must force their share Either unionize, demand wage increase or strike/find other jobs until the owner earns zero.
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Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@exchrist the library is public, the janitor has to be contract labor just like in every supermarket, hospital, casino or prison. Not us, sub human, untouchable. "Everyone meet under the Tulalip flag for a team meeting!" Everyone but me. I scram so everyone isn't offended by me. Public for everyone but the janitor
exchrist · 31-35
@Changeisgonnacome Ah boo, you'd contribute much i'm sure
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@exchrist nope. They're sneering, snide and back stabbing-. The excrement on the seat type of place.
My cleaning offends them. Poor them. I steal my wages from the library. If the client hates you, it's not service.
My cleaning offends them. Poor them. I steal my wages from the library. If the client hates you, it's not service.