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ArishMell · 70-79, M
If we did have any major soda brands of our own they've probably all been either taken over or competed into bankruptcy / asset-stripping by American companies!
One very popular brand that disappeared years ago was 'Corona', making a variety of carbonated fruit-flavoured drinks sold in glass bottles. The price included a refundable deposit to encourage returning the empties.
"Soda" here really refers to carbonated water only, used as a spirits diluent; not to fizzy drinks as a whole. While "candy" is a particular form of what we call generally, "sweets" or more formally, "confectionery".
A "good" snack would be something like fruit, nuts or perhaps some type of oatmeal bar, but very many Britons are sweet-toothed and between us we do eat far more sweets, biscuits and sticky cakes than are really good for us! And yes, guilty as charged, having just washed down two shortbread biscuits with a mug of tea containing a teaspoon of sugar...
One thing that does help us is the rise of the own- or contract- brand versions of popular cereals, sauces and the like, sold by the discount supermarkets. They are often cheaper, but more to the point hold far less of the needless sugar and salt than do the "big-name" brands sharing the same shelves.
One very popular brand that disappeared years ago was 'Corona', making a variety of carbonated fruit-flavoured drinks sold in glass bottles. The price included a refundable deposit to encourage returning the empties.
"Soda" here really refers to carbonated water only, used as a spirits diluent; not to fizzy drinks as a whole. While "candy" is a particular form of what we call generally, "sweets" or more formally, "confectionery".
A "good" snack would be something like fruit, nuts or perhaps some type of oatmeal bar, but very many Britons are sweet-toothed and between us we do eat far more sweets, biscuits and sticky cakes than are really good for us! And yes, guilty as charged, having just washed down two shortbread biscuits with a mug of tea containing a teaspoon of sugar...
One thing that does help us is the rise of the own- or contract- brand versions of popular cereals, sauces and the like, sold by the discount supermarkets. They are often cheaper, but more to the point hold far less of the needless sugar and salt than do the "big-name" brands sharing the same shelves.
SethGreene531 · M
Start with a Kendal Mint Cake, wash it down with fizzy Ribena.
Then Marmite on Jacob's Cream crackers
Some Soreen's Malt Loaf -- for squidgy good energy.
Eckles Cakes
Fry's Chocolate bar
Tizer or Iron Bru--may be Scottish
Then Marmite on Jacob's Cream crackers
Some Soreen's Malt Loaf -- for squidgy good energy.
Eckles Cakes
Fry's Chocolate bar
Tizer or Iron Bru--may be Scottish
justanothername · 51-55, M
@SethGreene531 Marmites not English. It’s a NZ tradition. The Aussies have Vegemite.
Americans mistake both for Nutella, usually with amusing results.
Americans mistake both for Nutella, usually with amusing results.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@justanothername The NZ Marmite is a different recipe sold in the Pacific region.
Grateful4you · M
Just google "Fortnum and Masons of London UK" You can get a free catalogue of the most wonderful treats and beautifully packaged gifts available anywhere. This huge department store is the most famous and popular I've seen anywhere.
The tins with tea bisquits/cookies are beautiful and make charming yet functional gifts.
The tins with tea bisquits/cookies are beautiful and make charming yet functional gifts.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
We occasionally got given these as a 'treat' in our packed lunches for school trips. Except the ones we had were in small cups with a plastic film that you had to pierce with a straw . . which inevitably led to your school uniform being sprayed with sticky drink 🙄 And they weren't actually fizzy . . just a luridly coloured sugar water 😅
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Can always put celery in a click n lock to munch
stratosranger · M
Limey Pop. Kidney Pie Flavored Bollocks Bitters.
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SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
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empanadas · 31-35, M
Yes made from the queen's urine
stratosranger · M
@empanadas Now I know what’s in Royal Crown (RC) Cola
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