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Massachusetts joins the ranks of the crazy and the ranks of those funded by...???

I was out earlier this afternoon, and right at exit 18 off Rt. 3 I noticed emergency vehicles, broken glass in the road, and a huge cluster of protesters lining the bridge across the highway on both sides.

They had a LOT of Ukrainian flags...and MOST Americans don't keep Ukrainian flags in their homes. Who bought them ALL those Ukrainian flags? They were waving signs that said, "Putin's Puppets", and "We support Ukraine".

Unfortunately, I had to drive right through the middle of them. ONE of the protesters chose that moment to dart right out in front of my car so he could cross the road. My eyes must have been as big as saucers.

Thankfully, they were all dispersed to hang out at Cancun Mexican restaurant by the time I returned, probably because there were a few drops of rain.
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OverTheHill · 61-69, M
As you know Massachusetts is a rather liberal state (I'm originally from the Northeast, and have a sister in the Amhearst area). I'm glad that nothing happened to you or your vehicle in the midst of the chaos.
4meAndyou · F
@OverTheHill There was a legislative meeting at the library on Friday when I was there, and it suddenly hit me that my GOVERNMENT in Massachusetts are a bunch of Marxists...and for a minute I felt like I wanted to hide.
OverTheHill · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou What saddens me about Massachusetts is that it is a state full of rich history from the landing of the pilgrims at Plymouth to the great religious awakenings in Northhampton. The founding of Christian seminaries (Harvard). It has moved so far away from where it started. Not to say there still isn't a remnant there like yourself and others, but it becomes a challenge when living in such a wasteland.
4meAndyou · F
@OverTheHill And I am a TRANSPLANT. My ancestral origins are here, and I lived here part of every year till I was 17, but I was born in Nebraska!
You have to wonder: 1 How many Ukrainians are here either legally or illegally who fled their country rather than defend it?

How many flags with PEACE symbols were fluttering? These are probably the same people who if instigated, would pick up Palestinian flags demanding PEACE there.
4meAndyou · F
@soar2newhighs NO Peace flags...because those protesters would far rather see Ukrainians chopped to pieces than support Trump's efforts to bring them peace.
They are more than welcome to volunteer to go fight. Otherwise they can STFU. The country overwhelmingly voted for Trump to help put an end to the war.
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