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Is Ukraine worth fighting for?

As everyone knows there is a nasty war of attrition going on in Ukraine and Ukraine tragically is losing about 10 soldiers for every 1 soldier that Russia is losing. That makes the war unsustainable but still the question remains "Is Ukraine worth fighting for". I honestly don't care which side 'wins' or which side 'loses. I simply prefer that the war stop immediately. It should never have started. That aside I was able to share a baptism event on the North Saskatchewan River here in Central Alberta. I traditionally associate Ukrainians with the Orthodox or Catholic tradition but this was a Pentecostal service. There were about 100 military age Ukrainian refugees at the service. I didn't get much of what was being said as the service was in Ukrainian led by a pastor who left Ukraine 2 years ago. Most everyone there had left in a similar time frame. Everyone I spoke to said that they did not want to return to Ukraine. Oh and most of them had their wife and children with them. Interesting times we live in. I wonder what it must be like in Poland and Germany where many more Ukrainians are taking refuge.
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There are more talks of yet another mobilization in Ukraine even the telegraph has acknowledged Ukraine is running out of men. The counter offensive was meant to achieve its objectives within 10 weeks according to Milley (if I remember correctly). We are now in the 12th week of the CO and Ukraine is only now beginning to battle Russian defence lines. I suppose Ukrainians will decide if it's worth fighting for but it is utter madness what's going on right now.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Ukraine lost about 700 KIA yesterday. This isn't a war it is a slaughterhouse. Such an utter waste of human life. The truly sad part is that Ukraine and Russia had a peace deal a year and a half ago. It agreed to terms that were very favorable to Ukraine. Sadly the US nixed it and the rest they say is history. The US needs to clean out its neocon bureaucracy. Maybe charge Nuland et al with war crimes.

Slaughterhouse sounds about right. Too many people are focused on advancements not realising the cost it takes Ukraine to do so. This insistence on yet more aid is ludicrous. There's no wonder weapon that's going to change the outcome, that includes the F-16s. Ukraine has/had a fleet of MiG and Sukhoi, platforms of which they are very familiar, and yet that did not help them. This idea of super Ukrainian pilots that are going to train on a platform they are unfamiliar with and within a couple of months, lead Ukraine to victory in the air is insane. Apparently Ukrainian pilots have to take English classes first before training on F-16s. I'm honestly flabbergasted by the US take on this entire situation. The only thing I can conclude is that they're simply satisfied that it is Ukrainians and not Americans, doing the dying.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User There is an old adage which is shown to be true. Being an enemy of the US is dangerous. Being a friend of the US is deadly. The US is not a good partner. In its present state it is on the side of evil. Of course the US had a coup in 2020 so anything it does now is illegal.