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From the motherland

On blood drenched steppes of Ukraine land
proud warriors of their country stand.
As into hell they throw their lives,
leaving behind wrecked homes and wives.
They rise as one to push the beast
of Putins dream of hate released.
Behind them peaceful country lies,
ahead another young life dies.
With steadfast will and heads held proud
young men not fearing shout aloud,
Slava Ukraine.

Not only men and boys who die,
But female bodies also lie.
Those in motherhood have gone,
left orphaned children when its done.
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It is a shame that the powers who create wars rarely get in the front lines and fight. If they were to sacrifice themselves and their children as soldiers, the world would no longer have wars. A solid, raw poem, my dear friend. Alas, we can only do our parts in this world. Even if it means speaking loudly in public areas and arenas about war atrocities. Bless you.
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
I hope Ukraine is freed

So many oppressors worldwide today just forgotten about
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Iwantyourhotwife There are, and by no means all are oppressing other countries. Most are too busy oppressing their own countries.

Destroying them even, in the case of the Taliban, which is effectively ruled by one shadowy cleric based in Kandahar.

They tend to slip from the headlines when the sufferings of one country - such as Ukraine - are so much more obvious and wide-ranging than any of the others. Yet China is still crushing the Uyghur culture and buying off Taiwan's friends (Honduras was the latest to fall.) ISIS and its ilk are still committing appalling atrocities in Africa, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Those are at state and organised-terrorist levels though. There are plenty of people just as cruel and selfish at very modest, even domestic levels; and even in supposedly "developed" democracies: racists, religious-cultists, mysogynists and the like.
msros · F
Slava Ukraini.

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