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This delivers more value than 100 hours of political Talkshows on TV 2018


0:00 Personal introduction
0:57 Governmental, political and military questions - How is Russia different from all the other countries and why?
3:04 Russia's six layers in history: Slavic, Byzantine, Asian, chaos, European and Superpower
4:25 Cultural features from the Mongol era: corruption, cruelty and lying
6:43 The era of Europe and Russia as a superpower: Peter the Great, a land between the West and the East
8:17 Geographical nature of Russia, 11 time zones and flat area on the west
9:03 Belief in Russianness at three points: Orthodoxy, autocracy and the people, narodnost
9:23 Autocracy: a central authoritarian regime
10:30 Autocracy: Faith in a fair good tsar and princes
11:04 Autocracy: Boyars between the people and infallible leaders: No right of ownership, but a right of possession according to social status, rules, corruption and nomenclature
13:38 Autocracy: Boyars practically in a modern Russia
14:52 Orthodoxy: The Importance of Religion in Russia
16:20 The people: narodnost, nationality. The Tsar knows better what is best for the people
17:22 Ability to wait and endure suffering and two different realities, sacrificing oneself to the leader
19:04 Homo sovieticus - the new Soviet man
20:40 Faith in Russian summarized before and now - Has anything changed?
21:01 "A little war in the border areas is needed to sustain a patriotic spirit" from the 19th century
21:18 Social system - receiving information in Russia from a state television channel
22:57 The Kremlin's narratives: a besieged fort, a constant war, and an enemy at the gates
24:57 The Kremlin's neurotic view of the world affairs is based on a traditional and instinctive sense of insecurity
26:26 Faith in power and use of force: Deaf to the logic of reason, but very sensitive to the logic of power
27:13 Territorial enlargement: fear-based imperialism
28:10 Asymmetry - Information Geopolitics & Information Influence: Are characters like Johan Bäckman just distracting from real influence?
30:00 Russia's Messianic Mission and Pan-Slavism - The Leaders' Knowledge of Saving Europe
31:18 The Russians seeing the world through history
33:18 How do Russians see Finns? Bronze Horseman - A.S. Pushkin - The Russian landscape through the first poem taught to children
35:11 Russia's technological backwardness throughout history, from ships to atomic bombs to computers
37:36 Russian Truth: The Significance of Language and Concepts, Especially for Lie and Truth
41:05 Examples of the frontiers of lie and truth in a Russian narrative
44:52 Russia's destabilizers in modern times
45:29 What are the Russians afraid of? Fear of internal unrest and striving for a strong leader
48:48 The Russian Landscape Through History, Changes and Similarities: Tsarist Russia, Soviet Union, Chaos in the 90s, 2000s
51:46 Homo re-sovieticus in the last few years: worship of the past and other themes of Russian thinking today
55:13 What does Russia's future look like? Five different scenarios based on history
55:49 Belief in a fair good tsar and princes: Russia's next leader?
58:33 Putin's support and comments on national conditions
59:36 The impact of online youth on Russia's future

Russia's recent actions, such as the occupation of Crimea, the wars in eastern Ukraine and Syria, the excessive use of force against protesters, possible special operations abroad and, for example, the control of the Internet, partly fought against western thinking. However, the Kremlin leadership believes these actions are justified. Justification can be explained through the theory of strategic culture.

Strategic culture refers to the prevailing views in a particular state about the nature of the war and crisis, the threat to the country and the causes of the threat, and the operational options to respond to that threat. Russia's strategic culture is particularly influenced by history, but also by geography, technology and, for example, the political culture and attitudes of the state.

Questions & Answers -section after the lecture here:

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