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Has anyone read through South Africa's submission to the ICJ yet?

Only on page 24 myself and already it is pretty damning
This is about Isreal/Palestine? I think there's learning to be had, even if it doesnt fit entirely whats going on now. Israel needs to answer, how is this not ethnic genocide, apartheid? I'm becoming sad of the world just standing by and watching, some even encouraging
I kinda thought it would state the obvious.
The USA is doing it to show how you're not allowed to be free from any mountain to any sea. Ain't that the point of NATO? Stopping people from doing whatever we want and making us yours to define?
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
I could give a shit about with South Africa has to say about the war
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
@Ozymandiaz South Africa is allied with Russia and Iran. Sorry I play on the other team, not the one who’s invaded Ukraine and is pulling all the strings with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. I rank a SA complaint just slightly above one from North Korea
@DownTheStreet Do you think it is payback from South Africa because Israel was one of the main backers of apartheid South Africa? Is it a bit of revenge perhaps?
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@DownTheStreet I'm pretty sure we aren't allies with Iran or Russia. Neutrality isn't the same as being an active ally. Also no idea where you get the idea that we're like North Korea. We have a fully functional democracy, freedom of the press, etc.
Viper · M
No idea what you're referring to, a little more context please.
@Viper Israel have been referred to the ICJ by South Africa for genocide
Viper · M
@Ozymandiaz Thanks for the additional information
Morvoren · F
I’m more a murder mystery kind of lass.
@Morvoren Do you ever feel like you give good advice? Do you ever consider following it yourself? 😂
Morvoren · F
@Ozymandiaz Oh yes all the time…who me?
Nebula · 41-45, F
Are we supposed to 😬
@Nebula Only if you are interested.

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