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Yes because it has modern weapons
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xSharp · 31-35, M
@Ozymandiaz thats what would have been used in 1941 but its still killing modern tanks, men win wars not tech
@xSharp It maybe be, but Russia is fighting this war with one hand tied behind its back and making it look easy.
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Ozymandiaz russias bigger and has more of everything. Germany took on the world, but only cuz it didnt have nukes to hide behind.
Although they were on steroids and meth, a considerable advantage lol
Although they were on steroids and meth, a considerable advantage lol
xSharp · 31-35, M
No, the former had alot of help and the men of today wouldnt stand a chance regardless of what god tier weapons they would be given