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You know the worlds failed when Palestine & Lebanon are getting bombed relentlessly by the same guy that was delivering a speech in the United Nations


Disgusting 😐
Miram · 31-35, F Best Comment
Grandma used to say if a Nazi sits at the table with 10 people and no one gets up, then there are 11 Nazis.

The same applies to this protest from those delegations.

Those who remained seated were complicit in the Palestinian genocide. Those who left were being true to their humanity.
Petermatureuk2022 · 56-60, M
@Miram I would agree if they were equally as diligent in their protest with some of the other vile countries represented in that room. The irony of the Russians, for example, lecturing Israel....beyong parody.
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Miram · 31-35, F

Inform yourself about the actual event. Russia did not leave the assembly, so there is no irony related to my comment, smart random person.

Russia condemns Israel and Israel condemns Russia. They both point elsewhere.

And the actual disaster are countries who fund the atrocities and expect others not to side with Russia.

They created a mass regional war of interests , and more polarity.

Like I said hundreds of times already, if you absolve yourselves from responsibility and prioritize your own political and economical interests over universal humanitarian goals, so will others to protect their own interests.

PowerofStories · 61-69, M
I agree. It is not just Netanyahu (who has actually supported Hamas in the past as a counterweight to other factions) and arms coming from the US, but also Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran and Qatar as their financial sponsor. All are turning a blind to the collateral damage from their conflict.

None of them represent the people of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, the vast majority of whom are innocent pawns being victimized in a strategic battle for control over the Mideast. Nor does Netanyahu represent the majority of people in Israel. The people in the US who are completely safe and sound and so glibly and confidently talking about right and wrong have little if any empathy for the people who are suffering the most. People like diabetics with no access to their medicine, innocent children who have no place to live, and so on and so on..

This is more than a board game where everyone is fine when it is over. The overwhelming number of people who are getting killed are entirely innocent and don't support any of the sides. They just want to stay alive..
karlio · 22-25, M
People are so detached from reality and realistically won't care unless it's at their doorstep and it's easy to think the middle east is a breeding ground for terrorist because that's how most cope when seeing all the innocent children dead and countless orphans displaced, it's so sad knowing countries like saudi not doing their part in peace making and i'm suprised at how a unstable yemen (the little guys) have done more for lebanon and palestine than any of the other countries.

The fact they let that gremlin 💩 talk at un meeting after having an arrest warrant with icc is absurd
@Miram ooooooooo did it hurt?

Here's another one good for nothing. If you guys are so concerned, why do you try to solve it peacefully.

I ask you, why it's always muslims this, that.. Etc.... Have you ever thought about it?

Now for me, I don't rely on others, for me everyone is equal, your name or religion doesn't matter to me.
I don't comment on who's doing this and that or should have done that. Because you or me speaking here will not make a difference.
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@Miram well, your maturity in understanding words has just come out.
Read the thread carefully. AGAIN
people that fail to deal with terrorists among their society for decades have no right to play the victim when someone else deals with those terrorists even when they use them as bulletshields.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Petermatureuk2022 Yawn. Israel was founded by terrorists. They all said they were terrorists. Right now Israel is committing genocide with the help of the US. This is not the opinion of a few journalists. Not sure what the opinion of a journalist is important. They are just scribblers. However when evil rose in the UN the other day as the PM of Israel went to the podium the rest of the world got up and walked out.
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And Washington still arms wars everywhere, including bibi's.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Who fired the first shot??
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Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 One has to understand the context of what Paul was saying to the people of the region.
There was a rift in the inhabitants, and there still existed a belief that all needed to live under the law.
What Paul stated to the 28th verse that there no longer were divides in belief, the law has been replaced with faith, removing any lofty position the law minded Jewish may have held.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Quimliqer no Paul was saying that God is not a racist. I would add God is not a real estate salesman either. The fact remains that the present day Jews are not God's chosen people. God's chosen people are Christian.
Where are your tears for the Sudanese, the Yemenis and the Ukrainians?

Your bias is showing.
Miram · 31-35, F

By the way , you said

You are not even Palestinian

You are neither Israeli, nor Palestinian, nor Jewish or Muslim..why are you here?

Practice what you preach, both of you, and stop complaining about what others care for.

If you can't cope with the variety of the topics in politics forum, the mute and block button exist to protect your precious feelings and theatrical apathy.
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Miram · 31-35, F
@blokeinpub After a little digging, I found out you have at least 3 active trollish accounts. This isn't the only thread about the conflict you have attempted to derail.

Let me make it very clear to you.

Me and other regulars have been friends for years, here and elsewhere, we are a community, the rest of you anonymous nobodies that migrated from places banning your antisocial behavior will always be irrelevant, ignored and like you already admitted inconsequential.

Enjoy another block.

@Royricky09 Says someone who doesn't practice what they preach. Everyone here , except for one person, you supported has in the past done immoral actions. From comments under Spanking stories about children, revenge porn and targeted harassement and stalking towards valuable long term members. Those are the people who share your self-centered attitudes and beliefs. You stand for everything wrong in this world. And I am glad you form clusters like fungi, easier to avoid wasting my time. Bye dried up circle of willis.
Petermatureuk2022 · 56-60, M
The UN also allows Russia, Iran etc etc to have a voice..... its a talking shop and that's what they do. It seems to becoming more and more of an irrelevance as any resolution or joint statement is just ignored.
The world doesn't care unless the problem is on their doorstep.
@froggtongue that's not entirely true. They cared about Ukraine, they care about 9/11 outside of the US and the way that's measured is usually by recognition. People don't even begin to accept the premise that innocents are dying because there's a collective "us and them" mentality where one holds less value. Oh, people are dying in Lebanon and Palestine?? Well what did they do to deserve it?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@HijabaDabbaDoo War in Ukraine is at Europe's doorstep.

And even there, people barely cared and what was sent is decommissioned hardware that was stockpiled and ready to be sent to a junkyard instead, with absurd restrictions like "you can only use this to shoot targets within your territory".
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Yes the poor hesbollah and hamas
Rebirth · 26-30, M
Theyve been nuked.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
this goes back thousands of years...quit prodding the lion israel and kidnapping, etc...arafat could have made a peace deal in 90's.
@1490wayb no, Zionism is mainly a twentieth century thing. Not thousands of years. Civilization goes back that far, not this invasion.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Yep, same people calling you an anti-semite are the same ones getting aroused by the bombings
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I really hope that the fighting stops and everything works out. 🙏🏻
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Strongtea stop the money
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I know that it is very complex, but I really do hope that people will see that enough is enough. We’re all human beings and no one should suffer. @MasterLee
You sound surprised.
@HijabaDabbaDoo why disappointed?
@Royricky09 is this a serious question?
@HijabaDabbaDoo absolutely
exchrist · 31-35
Wow please explain.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
A lot of people here with their "but what about x" need to learn what the fallacy of relative privation is.
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basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Miram it's disgusting. I never thought people can be cheering on a genocide and actively blaming the victims.
Miram · 31-35, F
@basilfawlty89 The movie idiocracy is becoming a reality.
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@HijabaDabbaDoo wait what!
Ethnic cleansing? Do you have any idea what happens in your home country, where people are forced to change their religion.

How are you entitled? You aren't even Palestinian.
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