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Well, I just got called a fuсking Nаzі on Twitter... a guy who is twisting my words, then claiming I say my own words are lying. All because I said we should cut the $150 billion in aid to make them stop committing gеnоcіdе.
He might be an actual Nazi himself. A lot of Nazis support Israel, since it's what they want in their own countries.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BohemianBoo That could be. He just kept saying that I was in favor of Hamas rаріng and kіӏӏing Jews. There's no reasoning with some people.
@LordShadowfire At that point, all you can do is publicly roast them.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
You should twist their words and ask them if they like it

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