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Do you think the media just took notice of Israel right now because they have bias against the Palestinians and they wanted to put it off because ofit

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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I don't understand your question?
AlienWhiteP0wer · 36-40, M
@samueltyler2 Like if one were to argue that Israel has a right to self defense, wouldn’t one say there was limited reporting on that because of a bias against Palestine and not wanting to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinian people
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@AlienWhiteP0wer The story behind the terrorist attack on Israel which led to the torture, slaughter and hostage taking has, unfortunately, been underplayed because of the Israeli response, it that is what you are referring to. Unfortunately, the cycle of history for thousands of years has been the peaceful co-existence of Jews and Arabs in the middle east, punctuated by someone arising among the Arabs, or their enablers, for example the Hellenic Syrians, the Romans, etc. in ancient times, the so called Palestinians now, that decides the Jews must be wiped out. In 1973 the Egyptians, Syrians and the Jordanians launched a surprise attack on the Jews on the most solemn of Jewish High Holidays which led to a bloody war of 18 days in which the Jewish state was at risk but managed to beat back the Arabs. In fact, when the UN granted the existence of the state of Israel, the Arabs attacked and attempted to wipe it out before it even had a chance to show it existed. That did lead to many Arabs leaving their homes in Israel, refusing to even accept the name of the new state and when Egypt, Jordan and Syria refused them entry, they ended up in the Gaza strip. Since 1948 there has been almost continuous minor skirmishes, but that did lead to major wars in 1967, 1973, etc.

There is no question that those people forced to live in the Gaza Strip, because those wanting to leave can't, because no country will accept them, are living under terrible conditions. Billions of dollars were sent to help, but, Hamas diverted large portions of that, to develop its offensive capabilities rather than in helping the people and developing infrastructure.

The short story then, this is a very complicated problem, and is not easily solvable.
MrRobinson · 51-55, M
The media and USA gov have a strong bias towards Israel
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@MrRobinson Do you ever wonder why? Israel, unlike the neighboring Arab countries, has no oil, what is in it for the US?
MrRobinson · 51-55, M
@samueltyler2 I think it is the culture/religion. It is more like us/ the USA than the neighbours.

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