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its time for a biblical lesson

When G-d chose Moses to represent him to Pharaoh to secure the release of the Israelites from bondage he refused .. the plagues were unleashed in increasing severity, frogs, hail, locusts... he said no repeatedly... darkness... and then G-d himself smote the first born... and that .. was what it took for the Jews to be allowed to flee.. and even then they were pursued... and the pursuers were disposed of in the Red Sea...

Hamas is about to learn what the holiday of Passover is all about when we say LET OUR PEOPLE G0....

The wrath of G-d will come down upon the Palestinians for their crimes.. They will face death, destruction, and who knows what other plagues they will face... they will be forever driven out of he land .... and we ... shall be done with them. as we were with the ancient Egyptians.. FOREVER...

And they will learn the story of Passover.... the hard way...
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YoMomma · Best Comment
Hopefully they get smart and let the people go.. cause biden is not going to be around to dampen Israel's wrath..
YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 i personally don't subscribe to racist views like that .. i don't think it's right to generalize and demean people and communities .. i have hope for them to be better people if they ever see the light idk 🙁 there's lots of Arab taxi drives and construction workers even in Israel and they have my respect so long as they love and support Israel and the Jewish people and their survival..
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@YoMomma Well its a fact.. Look up average IQ of Arabs .. answer is 82,..
YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 ok i'll google it..

metaldog · 51-55, F
🙄 try an encyclopedia
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Donald Trump is the Moses of our times. Even with all of his foibles he was chosen to lead the country and world to some extent.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@pancakeslam At best on this one he is Moseses Brother Aaron.. and Netanyahu is Moses... but G-d... is G-d.. and the plagues ... are coming..
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@pancakeslam surely he's more like the guy who was swallowed by a whale? What was his name - Pinnochio?
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