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I Believe Israel To Be A Terrorist State

If you think this, you are a moron. Fortunately, only three people think it.
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JanBos2 · 61-69, M
I agree! from all states in the region, only Israel gives support to minorities, has normal elections and rights.
girlscumfirst · 51-55, M
"Hateful fool and an awful person"...Your ignorance really is boundless, isn't it.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@girlscumfirst "Hateful" and "fool." A unique combination. :)
So glad there’s lots of likes for your comments :) @marciamom
Oh there are many that think Israel is a terrorist state..but I fully support Israel and do NOT think such a thing.
marciamom · F
If the "palestinians" are entitled to a state in Judea, why didn't Jordan just give it to them in 1966, when they controlled that land? Oh yeah - because they hadn't invented
palestinians yet
[image/video deleted]
@marciamom Yeah... Ishmael had lots of descendants and they are many.... and they are the there now....
[image/video deleted]
bumboy · M
I stand with Israel, absolutely.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
Israel has been the victim of terrorism for decades. And, yet, the UN expects them to negotiate with terrorists?
Thank you. Israel stands out against terrorist states.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
If the "Palestinians" had accepted the original UN partition plan in 1947, instead of joining with Arab armies from four or five other countries, they would have a "homeland."
ASouthernGentleman · 36-40, M
If Israel were a terrorist state we would not have the relationship that we do with Israel and we certainly would not have given them millions of dollars to build a new embassy in Jerusalem. Along with the millions we give them in military weapons.
As You can see from the responses there are at least three.
And we have at least three in Congress.
I don’t like to go all political here on sw, but in this case, who can argue with the facts. People just don’t realize that bombs delivered by plane can be just as much a terrorist act as a hidden bomb on the ground.
Mtwa85 · M
I completely agree! They are just trying to protect themselves
St0ut · 51-55, M
It’s good to know you have a good world view. Of good and evil
I cannot believe that there are western countries that actually support Israel.
marciamom · F
Taken over by force? Jerusalem is a Hebrew word. It has been the capital of the Jewish nation for thousands of years. There has never been an arab or mulsim presence in this land, except for the past hundred years, when they came in droves seeking work. Jews, by definition, are from Judea. Arabs are from Arabia. Nevermind the fact that the defensive war that resulted in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 was with Jordan, who doesn't even want it back! There is no argument of any sort in favor of an arab claim to this land. Every Israeli kid digs in his backyard and finds ancient Hebrew coins. No arab kid digs in his yard and finds ancient arab anything because there were no arabs in this land in antiquity. And, though you will never go there, if you did, you would learn that there are ruins of ancient synagogues everywhere you turn in Israel and not one ruin of an ancient mosque because muslims were never in this land, until about 100 years ago. Anyone whose knowledge of history comes from a non-tabloid source knows that there is only one side to this issue.
MartinII · 70-79, M
I have seen some ignorant comments on SW, bu I think those of highlander take the biscuit. An inaccuracy in almost every word! @marciamom
@marciamom 👌🏻👏
girlscumfirst · 51-55, M
Including me, it's now 6
Pat999 · 31-35, M
marciamom · F
You don't get an opinion. Sorry but you are a kid. Wake us up in 20 years when you have learned something.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
PeterTheTherapist · 61-69, M
Three too many.
Pat999 · 31-35, M
yes, sadly
Well then I am a moron and I feel no shame! because Israel is a terrorist state!! no doubt about it!
StrictLoving · 56-60, M
@SW-User if Israel's neighbors put down their arms, there would be no more war.

If Israel put down their arms, there would be no more Israel!
Mmiker · 46-50, M
@SW-User you’re screwed up
@StrictLoving preach!!!!
I hope Israel is taken to the International Criminal Court to answer for all of their crimes.
StrictLoving · 56-60, M
@SW-User crimes such as existing?
So shooting Palestinian men woman and children in their own land and persecuting them, denying them medical treatment when Israelis have no right to be there is not terrorism ? OK !!
Why is Israel willfully murdering Palestinian men women and children if they are such a good country ? Nothing to do with not liking their religion - They have been murdering people for years ! The Israeli Government is full of nut-job psychopaths but nobody wants to upset them. It is pathetic !
marciamom · F
@girlscumfirst So you are an expert? So have I, about a dozen times. I have spoken to Jews and Arabs on both sides. There is barely a cogent narrative that supports the stupid idea that Israel is somehow occupying the Jewish ancestral homeland, by having captured land from Jordan and Syria in a defensive war, where Jordan and Syria do not even want the land back.
girlscumfirst · 51-55, M
Dear me. Your geography is so badly lacking. Israel occupies Palestine, and then fought both Jordan and Syria to take land from them for so-called "defensive" purposes, against international law.

Of course Jordan and Syria want their land back! How would you feel if someone took over part of your land and said it was for "defensive purposes". Your would want it back.
marciamom · F
Wow. Have you ever taken a class? The palestinian ethnicity is an invention of Yasser Arafat. It did not exist in the 1960s. It is totally a propaganda tool and it is useful on illiterates such as yourself. Jordan and Syria have repeatedly made it clear that they have no interest in having these lands back, nor do they want to deal with the populations there.
Tiusflow · 61-69, M
Here is all you need to know to be a middle east expert. Israel has agreed to a two state solution. The plo wants to kill all the jews.
Well put Marcia. Morons abide...
girlscumfirst · 51-55, M
Add me to the list of morons.
StrictLoving · 56-60, M
@girlscumfirst done. oh wait ... you were already listed :-)
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
The sooner Palestine is bombed into oblivion, the sooner Israel can finally have some kind of Peace

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