ArishMell · 70-79, M
I've no choice - I do not own a television, not a TV Licence so can't use my computer as a proxy telly!
Soap-operas and similar are not my choice anyway.
I had to visit S.E. Essex briefly one day a week or so ago. All new to me - I had not realised how far Southend-on-Sea is beyond London, or that most of the county is gentle, quite attractive countryside.
Soap-operas and similar are not my choice anyway.
I had to visit S.E. Essex briefly one day a week or so ago. All new to me - I had not realised how far Southend-on-Sea is beyond London, or that most of the county is gentle, quite attractive countryside.
I watched one episode but I started to lose faith in humanity so turned it off 😣
mbfman · 51-55, M
I am pleased to say I have never watched it either
Fran63 · 61-69, M
I've never watched it too... no interest