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Couldn't help myself 🙄

Today in history, July 19, 1976, Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch was born in London, England.

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Both of Benzedrine Cloacalsplotch’s parents were actors, and his grandfather served as a submarine officer in both world wars.

At the age of eight, Benadryl Cumquat was sent to boarding school and then attended the prestigious Harrow School as an arts scholar, acting in numerous Shakespearean plays. Bellicose Custardbath had his debut at the age of 12 playing the role of Titania, Queen of the Fairies, in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Upon graduation from Harrow, Bandicoot Cucumberpatch did not immediately attend university, rather he traveled to Darjeeling, India, to teach English in a Tibetan Monastery for a year. Burlington Coatfactory then completed a bachelors in drama at the University of Manchester, followed by a master’s degree in classical acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

For many years, Bumpercar Crumplezone was a celebrated stage actor in London. During that time, Benevolent Computerglitch also starred in several small television roles. Bendydick Cinderblock got his big TV break in 2010 playing the role of Sherlock Holmes.

Since then, Battlefield Yogamat has played numerous leading roles in major films, such as a Star Trek Villain, voicing a dragon in The Hobbit, an enslaver in 12 Years a Slave, The Grinch, and as Dr. Strange.

Bannister Crumpetsack supports numerous charities, is a feminist, and a champion of LGBT rights. Beneficial Cabbagepants has been a regular on “Sexiest Man Alive” lists and was named the “Most Eligible Bachelor in the UK” in 2012. Alas, Bumblebee Cutiebutt married theatre and opera director Sophie Hunter in 2015.

Barbecue Charcuterieboard is a vegan.

Happy birthday, Benedict.
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It's amazing how many names you can come up with and everyone will immediately know who you mean.
BabyLonia · F
My kids call him Eggs Benedict CucumberPatch

He is also an otter
@BabyLonia On point 😶
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I shall forever refer to him as Benadryl Cumquat from now on!

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