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Falling in love with Canada

I have fallen in love with Canada. With her endless landscapes. With her beautiful nature. With her wonderful and kind people. With her safety. More than anything in the world, I want to stay here forever.
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How can anyone not love gorgeous Canada?

It is wild to me that my first visit to Canada was 67 years ago! I was six. Friends in our church had family in New Brunswick and we were invited to visit there.

They lived some distance from Fredericton, north. The family still did some logging with draft horses. This was a very different time, with no helmets or knee pads.

I was horse-mad (I carried a piece of string tied in a loop so I could catch a wild horse when I finally found one) and begged incessantly to ride May, a white (technically grey) mare.

Finally they gave in and I was heaved onto May’s broad back and somebody slapped May’s rump to get us going. My legs were splayed out nearly straight, but there was lots of harness to hang on to. I was in heaven.

When we were approaching the barn (May required no guidance, she was going home for dinner!) the barn door was half open. The bottom half was open. May plodded onward and I was gently scraped off her back into the dust. I was unhurt and delighted by my adventure.

The patriarch of the family was a man who liked his privacy (I assume that was the reason) and at 75 still sometimes snow-shoed further north to a little cabin where he’d stay for a week or two, hunting and/or fishing.

One morning we were up around dawn and setting off to pick wild blueberries. Someone had gone fishing and brought home trout. That meal - blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and fresh from the stream trout - will never be forgotten. I hope.

Splendid scenery, kind and generous people, and a glimpse of an earlier time.

How can anybody NOT love Canada?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
My brother in Christ you are in Regina.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@swirlie Ah Bolton, but I don't live there :P
swirlie · F

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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I will always be a born and bred Montreal girl even though I’ve lived in Ontario most of my life. I can’t imagine living anywhere but Canada
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Jenny1234 I love Montreal too, my brother and sister were born there.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@JimboSaturn I remember you telling me that ages ago. What area did your family live in?
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Jenny1234 Good memory! Plamondon area, my Dad was getting his Masters at McGill
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I have also had lots of positive experiences visiting Canada.
Wonderful to find a place like that.
Lilymoon · F
Like some of the others said as long as you're not in the GTA or Vancouver. Lmao
Lilymoon · F
@MrBlueGuy the population is overrun 😕
@Lilymoon Took me an hour an half to get into work what would be a 20 minute drive without traffic. It seems to get worse every year. More people but they don't fix the infrastructure.
Lilymoon · F
As long as you stay away from the major cities and surrounding suburbs aka Toronto, Vancouver, Montréal, and Calgary, you should be fine.
Good! The US has a great neighbor to the North. Any country would love to have a boundary with Canada. 😊

As you said, beautiful land, beautiful people.
Vin53 · M
Born in Terrace Bay, ONT and I couldn't agree with you more.
RedBaron · M
Aw geez, another post aboot Canada, eh.
WeebLord · 26-30, M
RedBaron · M
I guess if you think places like Siberia are fun.
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I hear you. I am one of the lucky ones that can
You live in the GTA and think we are kind? are more forgiving than most.
tenente · 100+, M
starting a business in canada so far so good 👍
tenente · 100+, M
@swirlie this will be by first international venture (started and sold 2 business in ny state so far). investor friend of mine from canada wanted my help so giving it a shot
swirlie · F
As long as it has everything to do with pornography, you should do well in Canada!
tenente · 100+, M
@swirlie thy will be done 🙏

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