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U.S. shoot down unidentified object over Canada’s Yukon region

● An unexplained object was shot down by an American F-22 fighter jet over Canada.
● The shootdown on Saturday over the northern Yukon region was initially reported by
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
● In cooperation, Joe Biden permitted the U.S. military to take down the unidentified

The object was shot out by a US military F-22, as seen in this old photo. (Getty Images)

On February 11 2023, an American official reported that a U.S. fighter shot down a third
unmanned aircraft in a week, this time over northern Canada.

North American Aerospace Defense Command, a joint US-Canada entity that defends airspace
over the two countries, discovered the item flying at a great height over Alaska on Friday
evening, according to U.S. officials. After a week-long controversy over an alleged Chinese
eavesdropping balloon, North America seemed to be on high alert.

The shootdown was initially reported by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who also
promised that his Canadian forces will recover and examine the aircraft's wreckage.

According to the Pentagon, U.S. President Joe Biden cooperated with Canada to take down the
high-altitude craft. Following close collaboration between U.S. and Canadian authorities, a US
F-22 downed the object on Canadian territories using an AIM 9X missile.

It was shot down at 3:41 EST (2041 GMT) while in the air at 40,000 feet (12,200 m), where it
presented a threat to civilian aviation traffic.
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Did the military identify its sexuality first?
Lostpoet · M
The news headlines are starting to resemble those just before WWII.
Aye … fubar 🥀 @Lostpoet
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User I had to look up fubar, but true true. 😔
thanks for the hand america!..... i guess our jet was in for repairs 🤣
Heartlander · 80-89, M
A great fear is that China may be using those balloons to drop location transmitters that can be synced with their ICBMs and circumvent missle defenses. Or maybe dropping WMDs that can later be detonated at will, or used to stun the US to inaction when they attack Taiwan. Considering $$ that China tries to funnel into US political coffers, and our politically weaponized DOJ, I think it may be a good time to start praying.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Heartlander i am sure something is going on. I thought they shot one down over Alaska but maybe this is it
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@akindheart Blowing them out of the sky may prevent knowing what they are up to. Drop a giant fishnet over it, add a few tons of dead weight or parachutes and bring it down gently.m
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Heartlander you mean like getting the black box? we know they were transmitting in real time so the damage was done. but maybe we can see what they know. we are always behind the 8 ball.
Freeranger · M
It's THIS one that's interesting. They don't want to release to the general public what they've discovered.
To my way of thinking.....these interferences are being sent as a measure to seek our response time and our awareness as China prepares to invade Taiwan.
YoMomma ·
Why do they presume that it's Chinese instead of Russian? Do they have any grounds to presume it's Chinese?
Notanymore · 41-45, M
Welcome to the game.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Very pretty jet
Freeranger · M
Do NOT expect a cogent analysis or response from our Dipshit -in Chief. He's in bed with them. That balloon, and ensuing devices that have been shot down since are all part of an observation response by China in my book.
My sense is that they're preppin' for Taiwan....and the tests they're running over us will reflect that.
And, I want to be clear here. China and Russia met not long ago and in that meeting, MY sense is that the plan was for Putin to continue his campaign and waste Russian military conscript lives from his outer borders in order to deplete NATO stockpiles. UK just this week stated that, they had to reduce their readiness because of sending stockpiles to Ukraine.
My point is this.....Putin will willingly, sacrifice thousands of poorly trained and equipped conscripts to hold NATO in place and drain their resources as China prepares to invade Taiwan, negating a mutually supporting American response to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
Am I off? Let's see.
I know the Canadian armed forces aren't exactly stellar, but you'd think it has enough of what it takes to take out a balloon

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