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Let's do this...

I am still scared about my move to Canada... But thanks to someone, I feel much more excitement and courage to do it... In a way, I sort of even can't wait to resign and get it all real... and deep down I feel that it is the right move, even if on the short run it will be difficult because I will get out of my comfort zone and there will be so many changes! Long term, I have a feeling that I am going to have so much more peace of mind and independence that I have never felt before.

Let's do this...
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F Pinned Comment
I am glad i have many kind Canadians in my circle to comment and heart these posts.

Well... of course except for @Degbeme
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@BittersweetPotato They`ll be waiting for you ...

BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Degbeme You just don't wait for me and I will be fine 🥔😡

chrisCA · M
It is a great country.
Very diversified, you won't feel out of place.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@chrisCA I don't even want to be around just the people who look like me, but I look forward to meeting those who are different from me, and I know I won't feel out of place amongst anyone. 🥔😄
chrisCA · M
@BittersweetPotato Point taken, but you will meet many immigrants from all over the World. One thing you will have in common, is that you all made the difficult choice to leave your homeland to come to Canada.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@chrisCA It was not my intention to make any point because I knew what you meant 🥔🤗 It is true.. I am already on immigrants group online and I can relate to all their struggles and feelings.. So I guess meeting similar people in person would help too, because we are facing the same challenges. And I am already following many on youtubers to learn from their mistakes and experiences too!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I hear ya. I`m scared of you moving here too. 🤭
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Degbeme YOU REALLY SHOULD BE 🥔😡 IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD! I will tell you the exact date, to start looking over your shoulder.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
You are courageous, Gaga. I have known this for a long time. You will feel all kinds of feelings about your impending move. They are all natural. Getting out of your comfort zone is how one grows in life. It will be a whole new world for you. Happy growing! This Canadian welcomes you.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@PoetryNEmotion This Canadian is so kind and supportive 🥔❤️ Thank you for the kind encourging words 😊 i really needed to hear that! And this post has been very helpful, i am surprised by the flood of Canadians commenting and hearting... i really feel i made the right chocie culture and people wise 🥔🤗
I’m Canadian. Greatest nation on earth.

You will love it,

Psst you don’t need to carry a gun to feel safe.
@Ryderbike 🥶 It's too fuckin' cold for muggers to wait for a victim.🤣
@UnderLockDown I’m on Vancouver island..rarely even get snow
firefall · 61-69, M
Im glad someone has been able to encourage you to do it, because I'm quite sure you will find it improves your life enormously. And truly, once you've made the move and committed to it, you'll be astonished how much less difficult it is, than you imagined.
firefall · 61-69, M
@BittersweetPotato Trying to be here a bit more .. and any time you want to talk, ofc I'm very happy to
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@firefall thank you for making time fore my dear 🥔🤗❤️ i know you always have something witty to say about anything really
firefall · 61-69, M
@BittersweetPotato if not witty, then at least half :)
@Degbeme What did you do 🤔👶
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Degbeme · 70-79, M
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Degbeme i am a potato not a girl 🥔😒
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Canada is a huge place. A british mum wrote to her son in Vancouver asking him to look after his younger brother living in Halifax. The elder son wrote back suggesting that she look after him herself since she was closer. Where about in Canada are you planning on living?
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@hippyjoe1955 thanks for your wishes.. i am yet to form my own opinions.. i visited in the summer and quite liked it, but i am sure living will be different. Lets see.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BittersweetPotato Yeah it is a very pretty town. I am not a big fan of government employees and all my cousins living there are bureaucrats. Alberta has a long standing fight with Ottawa which is political in nature. I do wish you all the best and if you ever decide to come to Alberta come on over and I will buy you a coffee.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@hippyjoe1955 I know that the biggest employer in Ottawa is the gov, but not everyone there is gov employees.. I personally will not be..
Thank you for your kind offer and wishes!
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I think Canada is calling you!

Of course a big change like this will make you nervous, but after reading all your posts, it sounds as if the thought of staying where you are would make you even MORE uncomfortable!

So yes...go for it!
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@DrWatson It would rather make me disappointed. I worked towards this.. I went through so much with my mother because of this... the least I could do is to give it a try and see what happens.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@BittersweetPotato I think that anticipation of disappointment is your heart telling you what you ought to do :)
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@DrWatson Not just my heart, but the potato in me says it will be fun and exciting, even if scary and stressful! 🥔🥴
Now..time to turn you into an ice hockey fan...🏒🥅
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales *starts watching* 🥔🥴
@BittersweetPotato 😀Hockey night in Canada is a big TV event
It's cold, but the people seem nice.👍 It's an adventure.
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
And now you're gonna live ....... huh !

BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F

OMG I love this. Definitely going on my list! Makes me miss the days you posted me lots of songs. 🥔😄
@BittersweetPotato I loved your music and how you dropped your phone every second that day when there was a wedding on the mall roof 😅 I haven't used the speaker since that day lol
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether I also spilled the milk allover the table... I was dizzy but thankfully conscious enough 🥔🤣
@BittersweetPotato You were so messed up 😂 but you didn't spill food thankfully lol
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
You will be fine!
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@JimboSaturn Thank you :)
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
@swirlie But that`s an ear of corn. ;)
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
@swirlie 😅 You`re a treat. 🤗
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BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@swirlie Coldest place in Canada, are you sure? How so, i know the temp easily reaches -40 in places like Alberta while this is not common in Ottawa!
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BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@swirlie Yea this is what I am saying, that a typical winter in Ottawa is - 20s not -40s, it is why I was surprised you said coldest place in Canada.. Personally, I do not know which is worse, damp or dry 🤷‍♀️ Yet to find out anyway all about it.

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