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The United States

I crossed the Border and went to The States a couple times. Once to go to Chicago for three days on a business trip when I was 21. Then again to Detroit for a week.
Wasn't really a good time with either for separate reasons.
I was gonna take a drive down to Seattle from Vancouver before the pandemic and now I'm back in my hometown so can't do that for a long while.

Other than that I've been across the country. And it's a big damn country. I've even been to one of the Northern Territories where there's like 100, 000 people total.
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curiosi · 61-69, F
You went to two AWFUL places in America, Seattle, isn't great but better then the other two.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@zeframcochrane hahah so the real parts of the USA aren't where millions of Americans actually live but they are Hollywood and Disney which are money making machines filled with tourists and fantasy?
Hmmm ok
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@REMsleep I mean...yeah.
What the fuck do you expect? It's America, the largest Democratic Capitalist Machine on Earth, where would you go?
Next on the list would obviously be The White House. Which has now technically been stormed by Canadians twice if you consider the fact that The Proud Boys are actually from Montreal. Difference is that this time it's fucking embarassing considering those Canadians are misogynistic terrorists.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@zeframcochrane Those places are fun for a short while but the American people are really great and the best culture, food, music, art, historic places aren't found in the tourist areas generally is what I meant.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
With lots of room to grow old, here & there, the Earth is healthier then science leads 🇺🇸 to believe
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
I'm in Chicago. It gets a very bad reputation for the south and west sides as it's plagued by violence. Other areas are pretty nice, esp the northern parts where I'm at.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@deadgerbil I read your username as "dead-Jer-Bill" for like five minutes before realizing it's "dead-gerbil" and fathoming my own stupidity.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Come to Texas
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@zeframcochrane Suit yourself and not gonna give you reasons why it's better for everybody to be protected
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@TheRascallyOne I'm a hunter and even I enjoy my guns. There are ways to arm citizens without selling a rifle at a department store ready to go.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@zeframcochrane ok if that's what you want to believe
You should try Tennessee
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Don't listen to others here saying that parts of our country are awful. Its all based on perspective.
I visited Chicago once and had a blast. I was amazed. I couldn't see everything that interested me. I didn't have time.
In Detroit I also had fun.
Don't take advice from haters.
I've been to Canada 5 or 6 times mostly always Toronto or Montreal and again I had a blast every time.
I love Canada and want to see more.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@REMsleep I didn't really have any predestinations in Chicago besides the Sears Building and the Chicago Rockstar Games Office. I'm sorry but it isn't San Francisco where every movie instantly destroys The Bridge as soon as a landmark is needed. Only thing I can think of that I played or saw that really used Chicago was Watch_Dogs.
I actually found Detroit more interesting.
Maybe it was the tunnel.

Both cities someone tried to sell me a gun when I went to a store.
Detroit was in Wal-Mart.
Fucking jaw dropped.

In terms of Canadian cities? Most beautiful is easily Vancouver, which is why I fell in love with it and lived there for a while. One of the most beautiful cities in the world as well.
In descending order the rest would probably have to be Montreal, Halifax, St John's and Calgary.
I lived in Montreal for a bit too, very beautiful.
Toronto is the New York of this country and everyone's fucking sick of it after they go there a couple times a year for stuff. Lived there too.
Niagara Falls is also absolutely beautiful and so is Parliament Hill but it's like after a while of seeing it so often you just kinda start to get tired of it. Niagara Falls has been long enough that I'd like to go back though.

Sometimes I think how it'll be sad to go to these places I used to love as a kid and have so many good memories and so many bad memories with and the woman I end up with will never get to see all that and she'll have never been there for some of the roughest stuff. Never see the real me. The me I was from moment one, you know?
But I guess it'll be new memories together over the old ones, right?
That's life, just a neverending series of experiences overtaking the previous painful and traumatic ones until something finally gets it right.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@zeframcochrane Everywhere gets boring to us silly humans after I while. I work on being content with what I have. It makes everything so much better.
As for meeting a new woman that won't know all of you, well noone knows all of you actually but when you meet someone that wants to know as much of you as they can well thats really special and it fun showing them. Revisiting those places with them. I have done this with my husband.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@REMsleep Sounds lovely. It'd be just amazing if we could have them back in those memories. Not the same describing it to someone as you walk past the space you once occupied on Earth as a smaller, more innocent you 15 years ago in simpler times.
There are pictures of my crush that I see where sometimes I'm like damnit, you look so fun and hilarious back then, would've been cool to have had a drink with you or had my first time getting high be with you. But then, I guess it's always like the first time.
God damn illegals
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@SW-User Yeah, I gotta go though, eh. There's a Moose loose aboot the hoose here, if you know what I'm talkin' aboot, eh?
@zeframcochrane Use you’re dog sled to catch it
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