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They keep saying the American empire will fall

What's going to happen to people in places like North Korea, Taiwan, and Ukraine when we can't even control Russia and China now
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I don't know if it will fall but I think it's a possibility with any nation. If you look at history, bigger empires eventually do fall even if it takes awhile. I think this is just the nature of civilizations, nothing is really set.

That's why I like alternate timeline fiction even though it's not my first choice of books to read is because that could easily be us if history went another way. A few times we've come close.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@SatanBurger we are being destroyed from within by liberal politics
ffony · M
we are being destroyed from within
That must be painful. Probably stinks too!
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Patriot96 I don't think so, if you do a more nuanced take on both sides policies you'll find a little bit of everything. I highly distrust anyone saying it's all one side only and everything is good on your end. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In fact, I asked ChatGpt about the good and bad of liberal and conservative policies and got something like this below, keep in mind this is just what ChatGPT says, I said I wanted a nuanced view of both parties to put things into perspective:

Conservative failures:

War on Drugs:

Policy: Initiated primarily under Republican leadership, the War on Drugs aimed to reduce illegal drug trade in the U.S. through strict enforcement and harsh sentencing.

Outcome: The policy has led to mass incarceration, disproportionately affecting minority communities, without significantly reducing drug use or trafficking.

Trickle-Down Economics:

Policy: Also known as supply-side economics, this policy includes tax cuts for the wealthy and businesses, with the belief that benefits will "trickle down" to the broader population.

Outcome: Critics argue that it has increased income inequality and failed to deliver the promised economic growth, as seen during the Reagan and Bush administrations.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB):

Policy: Enacted under President George W. Bush, NCLB aimed to improve educational outcomes by holding schools accountable through standardized testing.

Outcome: The policy has been criticized for encouraging "teaching to the test," reducing the quality of education, and placing undue stress on students and teachers.


Welfare Reform Act of 1996:

Policy: Supported by Republicans and signed into law by President Bill Clinton, this act aimed to reduce dependency on welfare through work requirements and time limits on benefits.

Outcome: The policy successfully reduced welfare rolls and encouraged employment among low-income individuals, though its long-term impacts are debated.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017:

Policy: Implemented by the Trump administration, it aimed to stimulate economic growth through significant tax cuts.

Outcome: The policy led to short-term economic growth and increased corporate investment, though critics argue it also increased the deficit and primarily benefited the wealthy.


Liberal Policies Failures:

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Issues:

Policy: Also known as Obamacare, it aimed to provide affordable health insurance through subsidies and mandates.

Outcome: While it expanded coverage, it also faced problems such as rising premiums, insurer exits from exchanges, and legal challenges.

Public Housing Projects:

Policy: Mid-20th-century policies intended to provide affordable housing to low-income families.

Outcome: Many public housing projects became sites of concentrated poverty and crime, and were often poorly maintained, leading to social and economic issues.

Bail Reform:

Policy: Implemented in states like New York, aimed to reduce the number of people held in jail pre-trial due to inability to pay bail.

Outcome: While reducing pre-trial incarceration rates, it has faced criticism for potentially increasing crime rates by allowing repeat offenders to be released.


Social Security:

Policy: Established under Franklin D. Roosevelt, it provides financial assistance to retirees, the disabled, and survivors.

Outcome: Social Security has significantly reduced poverty among the elderly and provided a safety net for millions of Americans.

Medicare and Medicaid:

Policy: Introduced in 1965, these programs provide health care to the elderly and low-income individuals.

Outcome: These programs have improved access to healthcare, reduced elderly poverty, and provided essential services to millions.

Clean Air Act:

Policy: Passed in 1963 and significantly amended in 1970, it aimed to control air pollution on a national level.

Outcome: The act has been successful in reducing air pollution and improving public health, contributing to significant environmental improvements.

Balanced View:

Shared Responsibility: Both liberal and conservative policies have had mixed results, demonstrating the complexity of governance and the challenges of addressing diverse social and economic issues..
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Well, there are problems in all the countries you mentioned.
It's not enough to constantly sabre rattle about 'truth, justice and the American way'.
If you want to affect change these things take time; money and commitment.

You have to build bridges; develop trust and trade
Develop detente.

No point in opening a McDonald's in Moscow if the only people that can afford to go there are the elite
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Hell, we can't even control our own borders, let alone somebody elses
we are all fuc-ed

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