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Why do Trumpian Republicans hate America so much?

Inciting riots
Allowing children to have guns so they can shot one anther.
Voter intimidation and fraud.
Happy to see people die of starvation, homeless, and without medical care.
Destruction of the US public educational system.
Rampant racism and oppression of minorities.
Appropriatio of Christianity and bastardizing it to meet their hateful ideology.
Siding with America's enemies ike Russians and Saudis.

Why? Are they born this way or did someone hurt them and make them bitter.
justanothername · 51-55, M
They love to follow Trumps far right ideologies. He tapped into a few small issues that linger in the back of lowly educated Republicans minds and put those small issues on center stage and then fed them to his base supporters.
America refuses to quantify harms to itself. America refuses to limit anything harmful.
Penny · 46-50, F
they don't. some just have an idealized version of America that doesnt include minorities
Glassysky · 26-30, M
You have to understand its a state of extreme polarisation on both sides and no middle ground.

The primary issue there is economic inequality, you have people with 100s of billions and people living in tents and shit all drugged out, some other shit, too

Who again?

Here in NH, natural gas accounts for 60% of our electricity needs, D. Hassan sided with the radical administration to demonize natural gas, and now our electric bills are more then 2× higher, but the radical left loves uhmerica, "everything free in uhmerica" .
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@checkoutanytime So, because the former money guy suddenly decided fossil fuels are good, that contradicts decades of actual science.
TrashCat · M
@checkoutanytime as an ex NH resident, i can confirm that everything you said is false. First, go look at your electric bill and fund the "stranded" fees. Thats for that Godamned Seabrook nuclear power plant. Seccond, NH has always had the highest electric bills in the Northeast. Do not argue with me on that becase its 100% true. Ive live in Mass & NH all my life until recently. The only lctrical company that is reasonable is the NH electrical COOP. Under Trump, the natural gas, propane, and even the cost of ffirwood per cord rose and it keeps rising. This is the reault of the greed of fossil fuel industry and the locals sellung these consumables. Nh is not liveable anymore unless you are wealthy. The ducational system is a disgusting mss, the roads suck, and the levels of poverty, drug abuse, and hunger is indicative of the rpublican and "free state" mentality.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Because they are not human.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Because they RepubliCAN.

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