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Christians and the Republican Party..

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th3r0n · 41-45, M
Actually he was descended from Abraham and Isaac and Jacob whom was called Israel, and the man who was married to his mother was descended from David, King of all Israel

Brown probably isn’t wrong

He definitely said those things, and therefore the greedy would hate him

He also condemned sin, and said except your righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees you will in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, for they will be cast into the fire that is never quenched where their worm will never die

For this also, those who love sexual sin and perversions such as homosexuality and orgies and rapes, such as many of the democrat party, they also will hate him

He said they hated him first, and we would be hated of all nations for his name’s sake

If you truly follow his words you offend all the wicked with the truth and become hated, for a servant cannot be greater than his master, and he was hated so we also shall be for his name’s sake and for the truth which he speaks
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I have never in my 72 years noticed that the teachings of Jesus have anything to do with Christianity.
Bad4U · 22-25, F
@hunkalove fair enough
Peapod · 61-69, F
I know what I see today is so far removed from the little church I attended Sunday school in. I also remember attending Christian camp that really was all about embracing all people, regardless of where their personal journey was. They most certainly preached the Bible, but never in a way that sounded unkind or berating of others. I had a vision of Christians being the most loving of people.

Then when I got older and saw the "Christian Right" for the first time, I was genuinely shocked. It was like nothing like what I had learned. I met a few and some were once close to me. But an ugly side came out in them and it had everything to do with their self righteousness. Sadly, I found myself gradually pulling away as mainstream Christianity became so enmeshed with politics and people that seemed to care very little for those in need. It's like the words of Jesus have long been lost.

I wonder how many other people have walked away from organized Christianity because of how it has been used. It's truly sad and I wonder what Jesus himself would think of it all.
@Peapod I’m one of those who left the church after having once been very pious. Over the years I encountered people who didn’t believe in God, didn’t follow any Scripture, but who were kinder and more compassionate than any of the so-called "Christians” I’d seen in church. It was a revelation—so to speak. 😇
Peapod · 61-69, F
@bijouxbroussard It sounds like you and I have much in common with this. I too have friends and family that don't practice any organized faith, but are kind to others to the core. That is what I want surrounding me.
That's what happens when American Christianity has been entirely co-opted by corporate greed and "prosperity gospel" nonsense. Right-wing Christians are so far removed from Jesus' teachings, there's no way they would recognize him in the modern day. But religion has always been manipulated for political gain. It's amusing to me how many self-righteous right-wing Christians are far more like the Pharisees than they realize, so ready to condemn people to death and more concerned about trapping people in dogmatic conundrums than about concern for humanity.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@SW-User Spot on.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
@SW-User you are wiser than your years. The self-righteous are "Holier than Thou" yet are blind.
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@SW-User 1 Chronicles 4:10-Prayer of Jabez A-Men
Absolutely right. nor if he actually existed would he advocate "Christian nationalism" either.
Pfuzylogic · M
I do agree with that.
Being Christian doesn’t make one a Christian Mationalist.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
I believe he would be welcomed there
Budwick · 70-79, M
What I'm hearing is a liberal unable to support the current administration,
making up a false scenario and projecting his own views onto someone else.

Classic lib.

Trump rallies typically have a big tent and welcome everyone with genuine interest.
Pfuzylogic · M
I am Christian and Democrat.
Conflation is normal in politics though.
Funtoy4u · 61-69, M
Both parties would try to find a way to tax him feeding the hungry.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
No That would be Bono
Is it wrong i got a great cheap laugh outta this? Prolly 😏
He wouldn't make it to the rally, somewhere along the way He would ask a leftist to walk away from their sinful ways... and get beaten to death in the street.
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llloydfred · 56-60, M
Well, Well we know is no to be Jesus C. He should be vetted 1st. Dude could be a terrorist.
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@strongbow When you're a Christian who hates Jesus 😂

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