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Should Conservatives sue white supremacists who have taken to use the Conservative label to promote their white supremacist bullshit?

Maybe rank and file "Conservatives" could try, but the folks who matter can't "alienate their base" by suddenly showing either a spine or a brain.

On top of that, where would a lawsuit go, with this Supreme Court?

It's time, imo, we stop calling folks who buy into the corrupt Trumpist ideology Conservatives. I get their right to "self identify," but I'm tired of their lack of respect for the rest of humanity and fundamental dishonesty.

Let's face it. If you're paying for goods at a store, and the cashier admits to you, he or she doesnt give a flying f-ck about anyone but him or her selves and that anyone who does is a sucker, are you inclined to look at the receipt?
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@LvChris At the end of the day, both conservatives and liberals have practical issues, and once you go back a couple of hundred years, they're not even so different.

Edmond Burke would probably not think highly of today's Trumpists. I really think what we're seeing today is not a right/left thing, but a rejection of rationality and the Enlightenment.

Let's face it, most Trump voters today can't read and grew up on Geraldo, Jerry Springer, Duck Dynasty and the Kardashians. Maybe a few of them remember the Gipper from Faux News retrospectives, or maybe a few jacked off to Archie Bunker without even seeing the context, but I think it's seriously a mistake to think that they're actually thinking rationally.

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