Did I look Tennessean when you saw me in Tennessee Saturday?
Poll - Total Votes: 7
Yes you look very Tennessean and Alabamian
You are 80 percent Tennessean and 20 percent Alabamian
Your septic tank smells very Tennessean and Tennesseeish
Saw you in a Mexican restaurant in Tennessee your whole family looks very Tennessean
Saw you in a Mexican restaurant in Fayetteville y'all blend in very well with us Tennesseans
Yep you caught the whiff of a Tennessee septic tank
80 percent Tennessee clay and 20 percent Alabama stardust
Yes 100% Tennessean I can sense it from your sewer system
You and your siblings look very Tennessean like your great great grandmother with glasses
Yes you and your family is so Tennessean that I can smell it from your sewers and septic tanks
Yes you look very Tennessean
Yes y'all fit in very well with us Tennessee folks, hello Tennessee family
You look like some of your Tennessee ancestors. So Tennessee I can smell it from your sewer
Yes, I can smell the Tennessee flowing in your veins
Yes you have lots of Memphis and Nashville, Monteagle in you, all 95 counties In you
You may vote on multiple answers.