@bijouxbroussard At least Herschel had the good sense to exit stage right and concede gracefully and didn't go through the "the election was stolen" nonsense.
@spjennifer Someone else mentioned that, and hopefully that will close the chapter, without someone pushing him to return, claiming he was "robbed". Might not be his idea.
There are times like these that I believe in God, and all the good-hearted citizens who went to vote, in spite of the snow and harsh weather conditions.
Not sure if it's of any interest to you American guys but the whole thing has been watched carefully everywhere in Europe, and there was a general sigh of relief when it was over, and that Herschel Walker freak was defeated. 🌷
@helenS It’s seemed like very few of our allies supported the MAGA machine, of which Walker is a product. So it’s pleasing but not surprising to know many Europeans share our relief. 😃
I don’t know if you know, but vampires are some cool people, are they not? But let me tell you something that I found out: a werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that. So, I don’t want to be a vampire any more. I want to be a werewolf.
Yeah a person that held a gun to his exes head's almost got in. And to think that people knew that about Walker and said to themselves "there is someone like me" shows that there is major cultural rot in the US.
How could nearly half the people of Georgia cast votes for Walker? A hypocrite, who impregnated how many Women? A vile creep who ABUSES women and yet.. look how many people voted for him two TIMES.. It shows that if this bastard RAPED YOUR Mother and you were a republican - you would still cast your vote in his direction.. because he was the standard bearer for the GOP in the state.. No morals - party over anything and everything.. and it says how immoral and broken American politics are.. He was not worthy yet people voted for him.. the USA is one deranged political disaster...
@pdqsailor1 I saw on another website someone saying, "so you chose the man who will re-open a bunch of abortion clinics ?" Someone else replied, "If so, it will be because he supports a woman’s right to choose. Unlike Walker, who’d be using them for women he impregnated." 🤭