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I did it. Hurray. Praise God.


Now I'm tired haha.
Sharon · F
Why thank "god"? You should have more respect for your own efforts.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@Casheyane He's mine too!!
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Casheyane · F
@jshm2 If you've experienced God, you'd get an idea where to look. It takes one time getting to know Him, the real one and not the Him the rest of the world tries to make of Him, to see How good He is. He did things for me before. Literally helped me through even when at that point, I was mad at Him. He still helped me and now I'm back to trusting Him. It isn't pretense when it's a true story that I can testify with my own life story. God moves. Of course I did my part. But I know He moves.

People don't realize this. But the time to fully see Him move happens more often than not, at the point of one's surrender and admittance that we can't so we need Him, the one amazing God to handle things for us. We all experience Him differently. But the way to know is to feel unconditional love. To receive forgiveness undeserved. To receive grace and mercy and love enough to overwhelm. The world gives you a lot of things. Those burdens, why not try giving them to God?

Which is harder? To see Him make a mountain move or to see Him touch a heart and change a life?
GLITTER · 36-40, F
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Now make mine plzzzz. I'll buy you peeezzaa
Casheyane · F
@assemblingaknob Nope. Na-uh. 4 hrs presentation for each of two consecutive days is enough. No thanks hahahhaa.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@Casheyane I'll give you TWO pizzas.
Casheyane · F
What was your presentation on? 🤔
Casheyane · F
@BeefySenpie It's for work haha.
@Casheyane What area do you work in?
Casheyane · F
@BeefySenpie Ah. That's for friendship level 5. :) hahaha
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Well good for you and good for however you conceive God to be! You make a good team!
Did what? Lol
Casheyane · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife 4 hrs presentation. Yup. I did it.
@Casheyane that's too long. But congratulations.
Casheyane · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife IKR haha. cheers. And thanks :)

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