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Allelse · 36-40, M
If he didn't come back when Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan and Timur were on the warpath, then he's never coming back.
@Allelse Don't forget when Hitler and Stalin reined for years.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@RedtheEmerald Yep!!! Good old WW2 where MILLIONS of people died and MILLIONS of people's lives were vastly affected.
@Allelse Both of them combined killed 45 million people. Those are only the recorded deaths.
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Pfuzylogic · M
I am with you sister in Jesus.
Ezekiel, Isaiah and Revelations prophesy of his return.
Keep the oil ready for the lamps of the Groom!
Ezekiel, Isaiah and Revelations prophesy of his return.
Keep the oil ready for the lamps of the Groom!
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Hope so.
Ready to go anyway
Ready to go anyway
I wish he would. The world needs Jesus
saintsong · 41-45, F
And a heart felt Amen@SW-User
President Donald Trump revealed he had a meeting in the oval office with Jesus,and he will make an appearance on the 21/September/2020 at 21.00 hrs.
Sometimes I wonder if he’s come back 1000 times and we’ve killed him each time he tried to get his work done.
A guy like Jesus wouldn’t survive in this environment.
A guy like Jesus wouldn’t survive in this environment.
openwater · 46-50, M
I seen Jesus passing me on the interstate doing about 105. He loves this new car invention.
Shadethefoxboy · 16-17, M
Just a myth