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I Am A Christain And I Love Jesus

Yesterday I was told by an athiest (one of my parents) to "wake up" and started mocking me, and said that ALL Christains are judgemental. He proceded to call a guy at his work an i**** and spew hate, so that was hypocrisy because while I was listening calmly and speaking rationally, the athiest (who is also an alcoholoic)was spewing all the negativity and condemnation.
There is no reasoning with them. 🙁
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I'm sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately we as Christians and all religious people alike, live in a world where faith is ridiculed and the masses are exposed to atheistic ideals from a young age in every form of the media as well as schools too. If that's not brainwashing, I don't know what is.
@Solenya The establish theory of evolution is fact, this as changed somewhat from Darwin's day, he made errors and we know much more about the world we live in today than he had access to. Science is the only known proven evidential method to understand the reality we exist in, it does not rely on belief without evidence. The big bang is not a fact it's the most widely accepted hypotheses for what we know, as we learn more this will change and is under rethink constantly. The consensous of Scientists, religious or not are clear on this.
introvertedaspie · 22-25, F
@Solenya Oh, I see. I agree 100%
@SW-User Yet the argument can be made that what scientists called "proven evidence" all those years ago has changed immensely up to today. Some of the greatest minds in history believed the earth to be flat, including in Galileo's time, before who's discoveries the sun was believe to revolve around the earth. Is it not arrogance then to assume that what you know now is 100% true, when in a century or more, many of those facts may well have been altered based on new discoveries? Science is not so much about understanding the reality we exist in, as it is about trying to explain it to the best of their knowledge and ability. Specifically in the case of how humans came to be, unless they were there when these things happened, the best they have is a calculated guess, based on what is known at the time.

I am not saying that evolution as a whole doesn't exist. I think that it's quite obvious in nature that it exists, to what extent that is the case, I do not know. The whole debate between theism and atheism is in the end about how humans came to be, and whether or not our existence was the result of evolution or a conscious creation at the will of a higher power. Also, whether there is anything more after death for humans. Those are the things that cannot be proven, until each of us faces eternity and finally knows. The way I see it, I'm either right or I'm wrong. If I'm right, great. If I'm wrong, then I'll likely just not exist anymore which is a win-win either way.
There's no reasoning with an angry alcoholic. I can assure you most atheists like myself are straight up decent people. I might even wager better than many deeply devout people.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@introvertedaspie Walking through town around Yuletide, I am often accosted by christians seeking to convert me to their beliefs. I have never been so accosted by Atheists seeking to convert people to theirs.
introvertedaspie · 22-25, F
@suzie1960 Well the reason Christains come off as "preachy" is they don't want people to go to hell. It's really sad for us knowing things could be different if people would only listen 😟 But unbelievers think we're just condemning them when really its a warning.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@introvertedaspie It a pity you can't understand that not everyone shares your beliefs or even want to hear about them. What right do you think you have to dissuade followers of other religions from their paths? Would you be happy for followers of the Klingon religion (for example) to try to convert christians to save them from an eternity in Gre'thor?
Cmstars · 22-25, F
As a Christian,I can relate however we shouldn't judge all Atheists the same, the same way Atheists shouldn't judge all Christians as judgmental.
Cmstars · 22-25, F
@suzie1960 Sadly it goes both ways. Agreed.
@suzie1960 These are what we call assholes. A thing that humans are guilty of often, regardless of belief.
introvertedaspie · 22-25, F
@suzie1960 Yeah, that is definately prideful and hypocritical for Christains to name-call
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Religion is & always has been, divisive, judgemental, and the no 1 cause of war, conflict etc!
Sorry but that's undeniable...✌
introvertedaspie · 22-25, F
@Harriet03 Your right, religion IS devisive and judgemental. A relationship with Jesus Christ, is not.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@introvertedaspie Debateable 🤔
Elegy · 46-50
I'm sorry about your home situation.
introvertedaspie · 22-25, F
@Elegy Thank you
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Do you know the answer to my question?
Im an atheist.. I just fire back whenever people start pushing their religious beliefs on me booty
That's unfortunate, its common for theists to blame atheism when it's the actual person who's a pretty shitty person irrespective of thier beliefs. You can't pick your family, that's evolution.

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