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I Don't Believe In God

Once in awhile I am asked why I dont believe in god. Sometimes I am asked why I hate god. I will try to answer this in a civilized yet honest manner because I know how I come off, bigoted and over critical. So let me guide you how my mind works. I dont hate god. First off it's silly to hate something you dont believe exists. And no it's not a rejection of god as my coworker puts it, I simply deny his existence. It's not a rejection because I have never met him and dont say i have in a previous life or before my birth because you have no grounds to make that assumption.

I dont believe in him for the same reasoning i dont believe in any other god, or santa claus or the Easter bunny or even unicorns and trolls for that matter. Simply because the evidence is not concrete nor is it conclusive. It is not provable using methods of science logic or reasoning atleast not to my knowledge. Even if i knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he does in fact exist, i dont need him. It doesnt comfort me to know no matter what i do he is always watching, that he knows my struggles. If anything it angers me. That when I began to lose my faith when I was 18 he did not prove to me his existence. It angers me because if he in fact does witness my every action my every thought, he does nothing to console me, to help me. I imagine him lounging back in his lazy boy, beer in hand and enjoying the spectacle, watching me and others like me suffer. But this is beside the point.

Scraps of paper supposedly written thousands of years ago by goat herders of an otherwise alien culture and language is not proof of any sentient omniscient deity watching over us. The more I see what christianity does to people and the more history I read the more I come to the conclusion that it is nothing more than a method of controlling the masses by putting the fear of hellfire and damnation in their minds. What better way to control people than to put the fear of eternal pain and suffering if they dont do what you say. Not to mention the hordes of money it generates.

Proof of life and all its majesty, its complexity is not proof. Complicated concoctions such as biology, tectonic plates, ocean currents, habitable atmosphere is not exclusively the result of an intelligent creator. Science explains all this. The mystery of life for example is not such a mystery after all. If you learned anything from your biology classes, complicated lifeforms are the result of millions upon millions of years of evolution and natural selection. Life never use to be so complicated. In fact it was once simple. Single cell organisms are extraordinarily simple. No brains, no eyes, no lungs, no major organs like what we have. Not as complicated anyway.

Another point. Say a god does exist. Which god? Its estimated humans have existed anywhere from 8000 to 10000 years. Hundreds upon hundreds of cultures and religions have sprung up through the ages often derived from previous cultures. Christianity has ties to paganism,Judaism, and islam. It is not it's own thing, it isnt unique. So now we have the question of what goes we choose to believe in. There's Greek, Norse,Roman, egyptian, dozens of African religions, paganism, shinto, buddhism, Islam, the list goes on. So what makes the Christian God better? What makes him the right one? Christianity is only the 3rd largest religion. Islam takes first place. Apparently more people think islam is the answer. Everyone thinks they have the answer. All of them have religious texts and fantastic stories.

What I'm trying to say is there are too many variables, too many unanswered questions in have to make a definitive, informed and logical decision

So I came up with this: i cant believe in any of them. I will live my life based on my own morals that I will design. If I live a good life and God is just as everyone claims, then he will not be disappointed with my decision and will honor it. If he does not, I do not want his approval. I want nothing to do with an unjust, selfish, egotistical god
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Carazaa · F
"A fool says, There is no God." Psalm 14:1
Carazaa · F
@Bushranger I think you will change your mind if you read it. It's prophetic, and all has come true.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Carazaa Sorry, but I have read it and even believed it all at one time. It failed to adequately explain things for me so, along with other things, I lost my faith.
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@Bushranger same here. It's not prophetic. It gives a vague divination about what's to come but anyone who knows history and human habit can predict that. War being one of them. And anyone with half a brain can make good decisions without guidelines. It's called common sense. It's also called using your brain which I dare say most theists refuse to use and prefer to let the ramblings of the dead speak for them
nowic2 · 61-69, M
makes sense to me
TopDolla · 41-45, F
So you deny the facts into the intangibles of life?
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@TopDolla not sure what you're going on about but one could argue the phrase desperate times call for desperate measures. There's a reason soldiers suffer PTSD. Because the experience is so traumatic its permenately imprinted in their minds. They grasp for something to hold on to, something that gives them hope and courage and makes them feel like it's all worth it. So they grasp for god. Say you take a boy, who has lived in a bubble. He is fed and well taken care of but knows nothing of the outside world. Knows nothing of god. His life is as basic as it gets. Put him in a foxhole under fire, who or what does he grasp for when he trauma becomes more than he can bear?
TopDolla · 41-45, F
what about a little more soul searching with a splash of star gazing instead of all the text book dead ends?
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@TopDolla dead ends yes here and there, but not all avenues have been explored. In terms of a metaphor, the road to understanding knowledge is branching off all along the road. Some end in dead ends, some have not been traveled and some have not reached their end. But I see your point, but I see the soul searching and such more or less as food for the mind. To relax and calm oneself
And its the right of anyone to believe or not believe - I am a believer and would never criticize anyone for the way they live their lives.
A girlfriend once nicknamed e Cuttlefish...i wont tell why.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Good luck with that.

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