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I Don't Believe In God

James 2:17-18 "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."
If deeds are a true measure of who we are, then how do God's deeds of passively standing by as so many people die and go to hell—ETERNAL suffering—say about him?
Being all powerful, a minuscule amount of his effort would save so many from so much pain. Logically, he must care even less about our misery than the amount of work on his part it would take to truly save us all out of love. He does not love everyone, for no one would passively watch their child step into a lava pit.

Why does God tell us that hating our enemies is a sin as bad as murder, yet hell, the greatest representation of hate (It's FAR worse than murder), is a place He created for His arch enemy?
Why does God place higher demands on us than he does on himself? Clearly, he is NOT a righteous father leading by example.
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So do you or do you not believe in a god?
It would make sense, only someone as horrible as the devil would cut off a babies foreskin.
ReasonablyInsane · 26-30, M
Yup, no super intelligent entity would be afraid of curiosity because they would know the persistence truth has at always being reached when you dig deeply enough.
ReasonablyInsane · 26-30, M
Definitely... but then God would still be an assclown for not doing shit and sitting around passively letting us all believe chaotic nonsense and stabbing each other in the back.
You're misinterpreting it
God cannot save those who reject Him. Hell was for Satan as he made evil, so anyone who rejects God embraces a lie made by Satan and is bound by him.

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