Spiritual hunger is the most severe hunger.Physical hunger can be satisfied in any forest, desert, home, restaurant, sea and coastal region. But Spiritual Hunger can only be satisfied in congregation of devoted gentiles of Church of Jesus Christ and The Word. Rest other places are like... See More »
If i start having too much fun tonight remind me i'm due at church in the morningearth to Jarffff stand up and start singing praises
has christianity dwindled in the uki am a catholic christian and haven't been to church, well, since i was a kid, which was long ago...i'd like to attend a catholic mass again sometime soon, when i went long ago i used to love the atmosphere of church and seeing the regulars there and... See More »
Not A church goerMorning everyone like the title says not a church goer be Happy Easter to all my simmilar world family
Biden Administration Encouraging Attacks On Church Services On Mothers DayThe Godless, hate filled left created the Supreme Court mess by leaking a decision months in advance. Then promotes the misconception over the meaning of the decision to inflame pro-death activists. The left saw fit to DOX the Supreme Court Justices... See More »
I Love My Church and Church FamilyThank you God for everything you have done for me. And I promise to do your work for has long has I live. I will do charity work to help the needy. Thank you Lord