I Find Certain Christians Stupid...
I am not against religious people but I am seeing more and more ridiculous posts on the internet...
These posts are silly sanctimonious ravings about how atheists are going to Hell and slandering; name calling anyone who isn't Christian.. how very unchristian of you?
It makes me wonder if those people actually know anything about Christianity or the teachings of Jesus "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone" "judge not less ye be judged" come to mind.
These people are the very opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be about. You guys throw God's name around in vain because you are promoting how Christian you are, using God's name whilst simultaneously behaving as unchristian as possible.
These posts are silly sanctimonious ravings about how atheists are going to Hell and slandering; name calling anyone who isn't Christian.. how very unchristian of you?
It makes me wonder if those people actually know anything about Christianity or the teachings of Jesus "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone" "judge not less ye be judged" come to mind.
These people are the very opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be about. You guys throw God's name around in vain because you are promoting how Christian you are, using God's name whilst simultaneously behaving as unchristian as possible.